Chapter 4- separate ways

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In the musky bar called Takeyami that was supposed to be the hideout of the Viceitours according to Kakashi, team 7 stood silently, idol in the middle of the place, observing the emptiness. All the company was that of the bar tender, who looked especially shady behind the counter, sporting an eye patch but glaring at the trio all the same while smugly whipping his glasses.

"Hello, welcome in, what can I do for you?" He asked with a husky voice that heightened their warnings all the more. Sasuke was weary of how deserted the bar was for 10 o'clock at night, a time when a bar should be busy.

Sasuke slowly looked to Naruto with the slightest hint of worry on his face. None of them have ever drank before, and don't know anything about how to order/ what drinks to have.

"3 shots." Sasuke said dryly, slightly approaching the counter and motioning the others to follow. The bar tender nodded and turned around to grab a bottle of tequila and three small shot glasses. While he was occupied for the minuscule and few seconds, Sasuke swiftly hopped over the counter and drop kicked the man, effectively knocking him out.

He turned back to his teammates and nodded to them, giving the silent agreement to split up and search the bar low and tall.

Together they entered a door that was just behind the counter which led to a smaller room, splitting off into three- stairs going down, up, and another door.

Sakura took the upstairs, Naruto downstairs, and Sasuke searched the same floor through the next door.

The basement was surprisingly big to Naruto, and especially dark. There was only a lit lantern to aid light, which raised some questions. Such as who lit it? If it's lit that must mean there's been someone in the basement recently.

Naruto picked up the lantern and stuck it straight out in front of him, squinting his eyes and trying to look around the best he could; it seemed the room was deserted, but it was hard to tell with the darkness shrouding his every surroundings.

And then, the answer was much clearer than before. Almost instantly, there was a loud clatter across the room, sounding like breaking glass. Naruto swiftly turned around to the direction of the noise, heart pounding in his chest.

"Stop!" he yelped, quickly bending down and tossing a shuriken out of his pocket, which just rebounded off the surface it hit.

There was the faint sound of shuffling feet surrounding him in multiple directions. Naruto knew, he was screwed. His world went dark with the feeling of hands covering his eyes, though there wasn't much of a difference without them. He gasped in surprise, trying to flail about but wasn't able to, finding his arms incapacitated, someone grabbing them.

Then there was a prick in his neck, and what came next was to be expected to Naruto. His first instinct was to get help, from whoever could listen. Sasuke! He was just a floor above!

"Dammit." he cursed to himself. "Sasuke!" Naruto shouted, feeling his consciousness slip away with whatever was injected in him. "Shut up!" a deep voice yelled right in Naruto's ear, and the last thing Naruto knew was the blunt pain being forced on the back of his head, then nothing.

Back on the floor above, Sasuke observed the room around him. The non committing door he entered before led him to a large, open space that resembled something of a living room.

Quite a fancy, refined one at that. There was old furniture displayed about it, the walls coated in a light salmon color, and floral wallpaper as well. There were old antique lamps on coffee tables next to 2 dusty, velvet textured couches that were light pink. dull portraits hung as decoration, and an unsuspecting curio cabinet that had countless China plates and cups was stationed against a wall to the left of the room. And all the way across the space was a large window, draped in lacy floral curtains that were empty from the absence of light in the night.

All together the room was warm in lighting, the lamps tinted glass shades straying color all about.

There should be nothing suspicious about this room, right? Not to Sasuke. He immediately began ransacking the space in and out for clues, documents, anything that could be hidden. But, amid his search he was interrupted, by a shriek of sorts below, sounding close to Naruto's voice, but unintelligible.

Sasuke stood still, listening for anything else, staring all around as if it were coming from the very room he was in.

It was very faint, almost unnoticeable if he hadn't been standing still and paying attention, but he picked out the distinct scream- "Sasuke!" from Naruto's voice. Without another though Sasuke was skipping stairs, like 8 at a time, trying to get to the basement quick enough.

When he got there, he was frozen in his tracks, being face to face with an old basement that looked kind of like a laundry room, now alit with a faint and flickering light above the middle of the room. But that wasn't what was troubling.

Right in front of his eyes, Sasuke saw an unconscious Naruto being held with a knife to his throat by three different people, 6 more surrounding them, all staring at Sasuke. The man with black hair and a huge scar decorating his face, the one holding the knife on Naruto, began to speak, almost whisper.

"Don't move Uchiha." he said menacingly, gripping tighter on the knife to the point where small traces of blood started to flow freely down Naruto's neck. Sasuke's teeth clenched and lip quivered in anger, there wasn't anything he could do in this situation. Lose Naruto or complete the mission; Well, the answer was obvious, so he stood still.

"We know all about you leaf folk, and your Ambu you sent over to spy on us. We've just been waiting for your special little ninjas to be sent to get us, such as yourself." The man said, looking Sasuke up and down with a smirk. "We can collect a hefty reward for you two from the sound, they're in cahoots with us you see. It's stupid of you really, to only come with two ninjas, but the two greatest ninja of their time should suffice plenty I'd say." he continued.

Sasuke knew he had to be careful in everything he said in did. The fact they think he and Naruto are the only ones after them could prove helpful. He'd have to play up his acting skills. "Dammit." he fake-cursed under his breath, making it loud enough for them to hear. Obviously, these goons were stupid enough to fall for it, they seemed completely played, looking as if they were about to win a game.

"Well now Sasuke, you're outnumbered and outmatched, get on the ground." the man ordered, the othered surrounding him, searching their pockets, seeming to get ready for something to happen.

Sasuke begrudgingly complied, even if it weren't true that he was outmatched, they had a large advantage over him that he couldn't ignore and that was Naruto. So, as ordered, Sasuke met the floor with his knees, kneeling, head facing the ground. Many of the other Viceitours started to surround Sasuke in an unescapable circle.

Just as Naruto was, Sasuke was met with a prick on his neck, and his consciousness was stolen away from him. His last thought being, 'Sakura, stay where you are for as long as you can...' as if she could hear him.  

(so, I know Sasuke and Naruto could totally and single handedly demolish these guys at this point, but for plot convenience I tried to put them in a position where that can't happen. so if this seems unrealistic to you, I'm sorry, thankyou for reading lovelies!)

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