Chapter 7- Pampering

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The two original ninjas left, quickly replaced by another man who was dressed in a professional looking black suit. Said man took a seat across the table in which Sasuke and Naruto were sat. He folded his hands and smiled softly, hardly easing the tension.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr.Uchiha and Mr.Uzumaki, or shall I address you as your first names?" he asked thoughtfully. There was no verbal reply from the boys, only silent seething glares.

"I see, well, formal addressing should suffice then. Now, I know you both to be of higher intelligence being that you both single handedly ended the 4th great ninja war. Many thanks for that. Let's not doddle. Our leader of this corporation, a branch of the sound village which I shall not name for security purposes has purchased you from your capturing in the sound. I'm sure you must have figured out this much. You may know our leader as Lord Takahashi from here on. He has been anxiously awaiting your arrival, be assured. Your purpose for being here is of much significance to us, and as such, you will be treated accordingly. In a moment here, we will have our personal custodians adhere to your needs that I'm sure you need met."

That was quite the information overload for the two, but they processed fairly quickly. "What exactly is it you hope to accomplish from our being here." Sasuke asked, widely suspicious of all this. The man smiled happily; glad he was able to get through to them at least this far.

"I'm very glad you asked, sir. Your task is to work as our corporations' personal front-line soldiers, in compensation for being treated with the highest level of honor here, which you will be experiencing in just a few moments. However, if you refuse to comply, you will be tortured in the most gruesome ways imaginable and trust me being a soldier is non-negotiable so either way you'll be working with us. So, the choice is obvious to just give in." The man explained. "Oh, and you may call me Jace if it suits you so." He said, smiling and pleased with himself.

Naruto grew white with horror. If he agreed to such conditions, he would be a traitor to everything he's worked for his whole life, and if not, he'd be tortured in worse ways than he had been the past few days, and still end up having to work with them. Well, all of that was just explained.

He felt a warm hand creep into his from somewhere next to him. He looked at Sasuke, from the connection up to his dazingly contorted face. Sasuke used to say that you recognize an opponent's feelings merely by fighting them. With that connection grown, Naruto was able to read every crease on Sasuke's face, all the way into his mind.

"I.... comply. What was it that you said about our needs being met?" Naruto asked reluctantly to Jace. Jace seemed exhilarated. "Splendid! Well, anything you require at all sirs, we will get for you. Well, within reason of course." Jace replied, his face absolutely glowing with pleasure. It was almost as if his job, possibly even his life was on the line depending on the boys' decision.

"I need to use the bathroom. Bad." Naruto said straightforwardly. The man's smile faltered awkwardly but he nodded, nonetheless. "Yes of course, right this way, our custodians will escort you." Jace said, leading them out of the cramped room into the hall where there were workers that looked like maids already waiting at the doorframe for them.

"Hello Clarice, Monica, please escort them to the bathroom and then get them changed." Jace said, checking his pocket watch as if this was some sort of medieval Disney movie. The maids beamed dutifully at him and bowed to the boys. It was kind of an awkward situation, more so now. This all seemed so formal and hospitable, while the boys were naked down to their boxers.

"Of course Master Jace, right this way Sirs." one of the women said, turning around and strutting down the hallway, her twin like maid following suit. The boys were made to follow the two but were suspicious and frozen in place. The girls noticed this and stopped.

Clarice and Monica didn't hesitate to grab ahold of the boys' wrists to reach their destination. It caught them off guard, but Naruto was the first to fall in and comply because he realized his overly dire need to cultivate bodily functions. (shit) When Sasuke saw Naruto follow the first maid, he had to listen as well, following his teammate down the hall.

The silence was deafening to Naruto, and his wrist was starting to feel limp and desperate. "So um, do you know what these collars are all about?" Naruto asked sheepishly, using his freehand to scratch at the space between his neck and the collar, looking around randomly about the hall. The maid looked back at Naruto with an apologetic expression.

"No sir, we custodians aren't qualified to answer such questions even if we wanted to, Lord Takahashi is very privet in his doings you see. Oh, by the way my name is Clarice." She answered kindly. It was getting harder and harder to believe for Naruto that he was in danger in this place. All the employees seem kind and respectable. "Oh, that's okay." Naruto said. Clarice smiled. "Of course, you can always ask master Jace or even Lord Takahashi if you get the opportunity." she said.

Things weren't so similar for Sasuke. He's been raised to always be on edge, always question authority and standards. And that applies here all the same. The woman leading him, who he now knows as Monica because he'd been listening to Naruto's conversation the whole time, stopped holding his wrist out of awkwardness. He kept glaring at her, and supposedly that put her off.

But she still tried to start up conversation with the emo boy.

"So sir, what is it that you would like after we get you fixed up and changed?" Monica asked him, the hint of anxiousness prominent in her voice. Sasuke chose not to answer, opting to glare at her straight in the eyes, making sure that she knew he heard her but chose to ignore her anyways.

Right after this, they stopped in front of doors that were huge, and gave of classical vibes, freshness wafting through the air.

Monica and Clarice stood on either side of the massive doorframe, their poster straight and proper. "Go right ahead Mr. Uzumaki and Mr. Uchiha." Monica said, her brown hair shading her eyes.

Naruto, reluctancy still inching its wall inside him, took the first step now that he was getting a handle on this place. Of course, Sasuke followed him a few steps behind. The big wooden doors that were engraved with antique etches slid open automatically.

They revealed a massive hall that went back possibly a football field, all lined with stalls and sinks that glowed as if when they were used you would be blessed forever.

Naruto felt excited to pee, if that was something the average person feels. He quickened his pace, lining the stalls to the 3rd or so one and going in. No details necessary for that experience. Sasuke went as well, obviously.

When they were done and left the bathroom, feeling the pain that had been growing for the past few days subdued, they were led furfur down the halls to yet another set of doors that were massive. These, transparent glass that was perfectly carved and sparkled brightly, the inside of the room slightly showing through the carving's curves.

This time Clarice and Monica entered the room first, holding open the double doors for the two boys, who entered the large room in awe.

The room in question was a ginormous closet that was lined from top to bottom and all the way across with clothes of every color, pattern, shape and size.

"go ahead and get changed." Clarice said while she sat down on a type of lounge poof with Monica stationed in the middle-back of the large room. Naruto and Sasuke didn't even know what to do with themselves, how to start with all these options.

After 30 minutes for Naruto, and 2 for Sasuke, the boys were finished selecting and changing into clothes that felt so foreign to their skin, which had been left bare for days.

Sasuke, as the cliché he is, draped himself in black head to toe, topped off with a black cloak. Of course, personally I wouldn't expect any more from him. Naruto, though, went a tad exotic with his choices.

He chose to wear a long sleeve bright orange shirt, and tucked it in to large black cargo pants, along with black combat boots. He looked like a badass, no doubt about it.

When Naruto was done changing, if Sasuke hadn't been attached before he certainly was now.  

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