.-.Someone To Relate To.-.

Start from the beginning

"You so do. What is that?" He said changing the subject.

"That's for if things get really hardcore. Or if you wanna blow up moons." I said explaining it to him.

"No one's blowing up moons." Gamora said.

"Pfffft boring. I've already done that 22 times." Maisie said returning in her new clothes.

Not bad.

"You just wanna suck the joy out of everything." I mumbled.

Maisie returned to her place on the sofa slouching down.

Maisie's POV

"So, listen, I'm gonna need your buyers coordinates." Said Quill to Gamora.

"We're heading in the right direction for now." Gamora said back looking at the orb in her hand.

"If we're gonna work together, you might wanna try trusting me a little bit." Said Quill leaning on the table.

"And how much do you trust me?" Gamora said lifting her gaze to him.

"I'd trust you a lot more if you told me what this was because I'm guessing it's some sort of weapon." Quill said now holding the orb referencing to it.

"Why don't we just smash it open and see if it does anything?" I asked.

Why couldn't we?

"You know what, we should. I like your thinking." Said Rocket.

"If it's a weapon, we should use it against Ronan." Drax said now picking it up from where Quill placed it down.

"Put it down you fool, you'll destroy us all. Not to mention you on the sofa. You're not holding it." Gamora said.

"Or just you murderess!" Drax said to Gamora.

"I let you live once princess." Gamora said getting up in Draxes face.

"I am not a princess." Said Drax shouting into Gamoras face.

"Hey! Nobody is killing anybody on my ship. We're stuck together until we get the money." Said Quill before the two could kill each other.

"I have no interest in money." Said drax.

"Great. That means more money for the four of us." Said Quill looking to the rest of us apart from Groot.

"Mmm?" Groot huffed lifting his arms slightly towards Quill.

Quill sighed then correcting himself. "For the five of us. Partners."

"We have an agreement, but I would never be partners with the likes of you. I'll tell the buyer we're on our way. And Quill, your ship is filthy." Gamora said walking upstairs to the controls. Quill staring while she walked away.

"Oh, she has no idea. If I had a black light, this place would look light a Jackson Pollock painting." He said looking down to Rocket and I.

"You got issues Quill." Rocket said shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Yeah, serious issues. You might wanna get them checked out." I said walking off.

Rockets POV

There she goes again with her comments.

Failed Experiment (Rocket Racoon x fem reader) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now