.-.The Separation.-.

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3rd person POV

Her life was great.
Until it wasn't.

It was a typical day for her and her two siblings. Until it wasn't anymore.

All she remembers was the sight of her mother. The white zigzags that had a zapping sound when they came into contact with her mother's body.

Then the sound of crying again. Only she knew why she could hear it this time. It had a purpose this time. Seeing her mother on the floor, not a muscle moving in her body. That was the reason why herself and her brothers were crying.

She would have run over to her if it wasn't for the small square bars that got in her way. She was surrounded by them. It seemed to be the same for her brothers as well. After all they were in the same compartment as her.

What was this strange thing?
And what was the strange thing gripping the top of it, lifting it along with them inside it off of the ground?

The three were carried to a bigger metal piece of junk that was so called a pod. That was the last thing she and her brothers saw before the cage was put into darkness by a cover.


It had seemed like a short time before the meerkat trio had started to move again. Although they could not see still, they could all hear multiple sounds of other living animals all around them.

Some were growling, some were crying. Wait, why were they crying? She thought.

"The High Evolutionary wants the meerkats taken to the lab immediately." Says one man.
"Going there now." Says the other.

Being a meerkat, her and her brothers did not have a clue about what the two male voices were saying.

So the next thing they know, the three feel the movement of the cage again.


It was bright now. Not daylight bright but bright enough that she could see what looked like a large flat stone that was stood on metal poles.

The cage was then placed on the thing. She could see faces. Not animal faces but human faces.

"Sir, I have brought in what you sent me to get. T-That being the meer-" The man that took them there started to explain.

"Yes I am fully aware of what you have brought me. You can go now." Says what seems like the man in charge. The interrupted man leaves without another word.

"Let us have a look at the three critters then." Says the in charge man speaking to two females in white clothing.

The man in charge wore all purple clothing while the women were dressed in clean, white lab coats that reached mid-way down their legs.

The females open the small cage without hesitation and reach in for the three meerkats. One woman holding her and the other woman holding her brothers.

"They look to be about two and a bit years old sir." Says the woman holding her brothers.
"Let me hold the female." Says the man in charge.

The woman passes her over to the man before being passed one of the female meerkats brothers.

The man looks at the creature he is holding, studying her for anything that could be wrong.
He then looks to the male meerkats.

"Ahhh yes the female looks to be healthier than the males. We shall start with the experimenting on her right away." He says almost shoving the creature in his hands back into the cage.

"What about the two males sir?" One of the women ask.
"Put them with batch 76. I will take the female straight to the lab." The man replies shutting the door to the cage of the female.

The man then walks off with the cage containing the female meerkat heading the opposite direction of the way her brothers are being taken.

That was the last time she saw her two relatives.


Second chapter woooohoooo
Slightly longer this time. Next chapter I'll try to make longer but no promises.

676 words

Failed Experiment (Rocket Racoon x fem reader) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now