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After what happened a few days ago, the conversations while patrolling have become less frequent. You couldn't gather the courage to bring up the situation again, it seemed so paranormal and weird on its own, you didn't need to be even more freaked out over a conversation about it. Your shift was coming to an end, and you only really had two full conversations in those eight hours. 

You didn't know why she was acting so awkward about it. You guessed that your silence hadn't helped since you normally started those conversations, you just didn't know what to say or if she wanted to speak at all. You had a meeting with your boss yesterday stating that you could be on your own again within a week if you had 'kept up' this behaviour. You knew that the only reason your behaviour was like this was because Vanessa always seemed to talk for the both of you in any situation and to be honest, you were quite terrified to leave her side.

As Vanessa drove down the road, silently as usual as she did, you leant your head back, your brain almost yelling at you to say something but nothing came out, just little sighs every time you tried. Vanessa didn't seem to notice, she was too focused on the road ahead of her. You heard little rattles and knew the car wasn't doing good. Without even a word, she pulled over.

"They said this cars been dodgy recently, I don't know why I said I'd take it." Vanessa muttered, but it sounded like it was more to herself. She grabbed her jacket and left the car to see if she could figure out what's wrong, you stayed, you were far from a mechanic and didn't know a thing about cars even though you probably should because you drive one. She soon came around to the car, got in and tried to start the car. She sighed when it wouldn't turn on. "We literally had half an hour and now we have to wait for someone to get us."

"It's one am, it would be a miracle if anywhere is open. Best bet would be to call the police station." You shrugged. You were right though, almost no one is going to answer the phone at one o'clock in the morning, but you could guarantee that the police was answer. She nodded and called it in while you looked around. To your left was a nice field. You drove past it everyday to get to work and it would always be full of children playing, but it looked abandoned tonight because not a single soul was there.

"They said an hour minimum. There's only one other patrol unit and they're busy with some guy." She said, clearly frustrated, this was probably the worst week for both of you. You looked to her, quite unsure of what to say to her. You look to the field and shrugged to yourself, you might as well try to make the most out of this. Plus, you wanted her to like you and talk to you, even after what happened the other day.

"How about we go for a walk?" You asked. Vanessa seemed hesitant at first, probably because of the darkness and the fact that it was freezing outside. She peered to you and saw you were trying to make some good out of tonight, something that felt impossible for Vanessa in this moment. A faint smile could be seen appearing on her face, for the first time this week for you.

"Okay." She had muttered, exiting the car, you followed, putting on your jacket, that was puffy and thick to keep you from the chilly evenings like this. Stationed in the middle of the park was a small park for the children in this area. It was mostly houses around here, it was somewhere like this where you wanted to live when you grew up. The peacefulness appealed to you. 

You both had sat down, not too far from the car, but far enough away from the streetlights to see the stars. It hadn't rained for a while so the ground wasn't wet, just cold and uncomfortable. Vanessa didn't seem to mind though, you studied her happy expression as she looked to the stars you smiled when she realised you were watching her. "What?" She said with a small laugh.

"I just haven't seen you smile in ages. Its nice." You said, bringing your knees to your chest. She didn't say anything in relation to that, she just looked up at the stars, almost like studying them for a while.

"We are at work most nights, and even before that, I worked nights. I never really get to see the sky like this." She whispered. You hadn't heard her talk to you about anything other than work or something important. You hoped to become good friends with her by the day you went back on patrol alone. However, you knew that wasn't going to happen. You would consider you and her 'adequate' friends, but good? No. Not yet at least.

A small touch on your shoulder took you out of your unnecessary sad thoughts. At first, you thought is was her tapping you because you had zoned out and accidentally ignored her. Now looking since you felt the weight stay, you froze up. Her head was laid on your shoulder, barely, but she was leaning on you. It made you nervous but you didn't move, she was clearly tired and you didn't know whether to move away or stay. You definitely wanted her to stay. It felt comforting, as if you weren't alone anymore.

"I'm sorry." Vanessa suddenly apologises but she doesn't move. Instead, she moves to get more comfortable, you look to her for a brief moment, wondering what the apology was for. You could hardly see her under the moonlight, but you could tell she wasn't looking at you or intending to anytime. Probably sensing your confusion, she continues, "I haven't been the best lately, I just have a lot to think about."

"Don't worry about it." You barely murmured. She had heard and smiled, happy to clear the air. Finally, the extra patrol came and took you both home, letting you be alone with your thoughts again. You felt so happy with her and you didn't know why, but now, everything feels... bleak and plain.

Maybe you just need sleep. Yeah. Sleep.

Born To Die | Vanessa AftonWhere stories live. Discover now