Pov: Gangs All Here (Bucky)

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You finish typing up your email and then hit send. Just as you click the send button you see a shadow in the doorway of your office. The guy places an iced coffee on your desk, "As you like it."

You stand up and kiss him, "You are too cute for your own good."

Bucky sits in your desk chair and pulls you down on his lap.

"You're going to get me fired!" You hiss. 

Bucky kisses your ear, "Oh yeah? What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing," You wrap your arms around his neck, "Was planning on netflix with the cats."

"Well good because I was thinking it's time we had a discussion," Bucky replied. "Truth is I have kind of been lying to you for the last six months," He admits.

"Oh?" Your heart stops, "What? Have you been cheating on me?" You ask rather irked.

"No no, of course not! It's about my job."

"Your job with the security company?"

"Yeah," Your boyfriend, "That's the part I haven't been so honest about."

"Okay so what? You're actually a wanted criminal?" You stand up.

"Listen Doll, please, I can't explain here. There are always ears around," Bucky grabs your hand, "I'll pick you up at 5. Do you trust me?"

You sigh and then after a few moments, nod, "Okay. See you tonight?"

Bucky kisses your cheek, "See you tonight." 

           The rest of your work day creeps by at a painfully slow place. You file some paperwork for your boss, print off forms for your clients, and organize the files on your computer. Finally 4pm arrives. You shut down your laptop, lock your office, and begin your drive home. On the way all you can think of is Bucky. What was he hiding from you? You parked in your apartments parking lot. After you rushed up to your place you redid your hair in a more relaxed style, changed your clothes, and waited for your boyfriend. Being in the army made him a stickler for punctuality. He knocked on your door before letting himself in. You stand up from your seat on the couch and wrap your arms around your waist.

"Hey," He smiles.

"Hey," You reply.

Bucky nods towards the door, "Um, I guess we should get going. If i'm late I will never hear the end of it."

"Where are we going?" You quiz as you close your door and lock it.

"It's a surprise. You're going to like it trust me."

You and Bucky sit in silence as he drives down the freeway. Instead of keeping in the straight lane into the rest of New York he takes the turnoff towards the upperstate road. You cock an eyebrow, "Where are you taking me?"

"Okay. You know Tony stark?"

"The merchant of Death? That Tony Stark?" You reply.

"Yep, that one except his name's just Tony Stark. I work with him."

"You work for a weapons dealer? Oh my father is going to love this," You remark.

"Your dad hates me enough as is. Believe me I've been dreading this for days," Bucky replies calmly.

"I'm kidding babe. You know I don't give a dang what my dad thinks of you."

Bucky looks a little more relieved, "Okay well I guess the only warning I can give you now is that my coworkers are a bit...eccentric?"

You stare in awe at the building on the other side of the high wall. "No way."

Your boyfriend chuckles, "Welcome to the Avengers Compound."

"You're an avenger? How did I not know this?"

Bucky motions with his hand, "I wear a mask while I'm working for a reason. People aren't supposed to know too much who I am." The compound is spectacular. Ponds with fountains are in front. Groomed yards with flowers and different trees surround the modern looking building. Bucky drives up between two silver poles. A blue ray of light flashes over the vehicle.

"Approved, Welcome Home White Wolf."

"White wolf?" You cock an eyebrow as Bucky drives down a ramp below the building. "Stage name of sorts. Help hide my identity from..enemies. I wouldn't want them finding out who I am truly," he parks the car beside a very ritzy looking mustang. "Welcome to my place I guess."

You step out of the car, "I forgive you for half lying to me for six months."

"I actually did it for your own protection. If certain people found out about us they might try to use you against me. We all have to lie in a way, we all have people to protect," Bucky walks over to an elevator. The two of you step inside.

"So what am I doing here?"

"Meeting my family," he smiles. "Well, my best friends. They already know everything about you but I figured it was time you all met in person."


"They're fun. I promise. I've warned them not to put you on the spot about anything."

You feel the anxiety rise in your stomach. You step closer to Bucky and hold his right hand with your other hand clasping his lower arm. He kisses your cheek, "Don't worry I got you."

The elevator door opens into a hallway. Bucky walks with you down the hall. You're still holding onto his arm. A staircase ahead of you leads up to another floor. You see a tall, blonde man standing at the top. He disappears. The two of you walk up the stairs and then you freeze. You're standing in a lounge area. And there are about 8 people staring at you.

You step behind your boyfriend slightly. 

"Hey guys," Bucky says friendly.

"Hello there," a guy replies.

"Uh, this is my girlfriend y/n," Bucky nudges you forward.

"Hi nice to meet you," You smile.

"I'm Natasha," The girl with red hair smiles.

"Thor," A guy in fancy looking armor with shoulder length blonde hair smiles.

"Bruce," Replies an older looking guy with curly hair and glasses.

"Clint," Says the one on the end.

"Vision and wanda," Says a robot looking character. Wanda waves, "Hello."

The guy you saw at the top of the stairs starts to laugh, "Sorry. I tried to make this awkward as I could."

Bucky rolls his eyes, "thanks cap. Y/n, this is my best friend since the 40's, Steve rogers."

"You're captain America?"

"One in the same," Steve smiles. "Lovely to finally meet you. Bucky hasn't stopped talking about you."

"And I'm Tony," Says a voice behind you. "Ah I see the gangs all here."

"Ah here he is. Tony, this is y/n. My girlfriend." 

Tony looks you up and down, "Nice to meet you. So you're the reason Barnes can't think straight."

"Hello," You shake his hand.

Tony looks at you oddly, "Have we met before? I could swear I've seen your eyes somewhere. Oh wait, now I remember. Barnes's bedroom walls."

Bucky rolls his eyes, "Okay thank you."

Tony chuckles, "Who am I kidding. It's nice to meet you."

"So you're bucky's boss?" You ask.

"No, Technically Cap here is the boss," Tony jabs his thumb in Steve's direct, "I just pay for everything and make everyone look cooler."

"It's nice to meet you all," You smile. Something told you you would get along with these people just fine.

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