Pov: The Littlest Avenger (Bucky)

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The nine months of pregnancy went pretty quick. Time flies when you're busy saving the world. Or rather, when your husband was. You were locked inside the compound for safety. Which you appreciated but you missed working.

"Ah there's my lady," Bucky says as he walks into the bedroom. "Hey baby," You kiss him, "Good day?"

"Well the world didn't need saving so I guess so. You?"

"Pretty good. I packed our hospital bags," you dry the last fork and put it away.

"Hospital bags?" Bucky looks down at your very much expanded stomach.

"Women usually pack them a few weeks in advance. I don't think I'm going into labor right now."

"Oh thank goodness," Bucky chuckled. "I mean the doctor did say any day now right?"

"Any day now."

            And any day now turned out to be the next day.

You folded the towel and put it on the shelf in your bathroom. You felt a sharp pain in your back. You stand still for a few moments. It doesn't occur again so you just finish your laundry. A few minutes later while you're dusting the coffee table you feel it again. This time you sit down on the couch and rest your hands on your stomach. "Okay," you breathe. You feel your baby kick at your hand. "Hey you," you giggle, "Take it easy in there." You wince when you feel another one coming on. This time you squeeze your eyes shut, take a deep breath, and then exhale. "Okay," you breathe, "Are you coming to see us today?" You rub your stomach. You stand and go back to what you were doing. Then you started timing your pains. 7 minutes, 6 minutes. Finally an hour or so later you give up on trying to get your room clean. You grab your phone and call bucky.

"Hey doll," He picks up.

"Baby?" You exhale as another contraction hits.

"What is it y/n? What's happening?"

"How soon can you get here?"

"Uh." You hear him walking. "Five minutes. What's happening honey?"

"I think I'm in labor," you reply. "I'm having contractions. Hard ones."

"Okay stay calm. We have time right?" You hear the ding of an elevator. "I'm down the hall." He hangs up and a few minutes later you hear the door open.


"In here Buck," you call from the living room.

Bucky jogs into the room and kneels beside you, "Hey. How are you?"

"Not great," you laugh lightly.

"What can I do? What do I need to do?" Your husband looks you over.

"Just stay," you tense when another contraction takes over, "with me."

Bucky let's you squeeze his hands as you breathe through the pain.

"Oh," You groan. "Oh it hurts so bad."

"Do you want to get up?" He suggests, "it'll take some pressure off your hips."

You nod. Bucky helps you up, "Has your water broken?"

"No," you shake your head.

Bucky massages your hips as you hug him. You tense again.

"Breathe, " Bucky instructs. "Breathe I got you."

You dig your nails into his back, "I'm scared."

"I know. So am I but we are going to be just fine. You're going to bring our little one into this world and I'm going to be there every second."

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