Pov: First Impression Nightmare(Steve)

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Was not sure If I was going to add this one but I figured I would because I took the time to write it. I apologize if it is a bit choppy or not clear at times. :)


          You sit in the front seat of the car staring at your hands folded in your lap. Steve sits in the drivers seat beside you. Also not saying anything. You peak at him. He's staring straight ahead.

"So," You say and sit back.

Steve sighs, "I'm Captain America right? I fought Nazis, I shielded flipping Tony. And I'm sitting here," He rubs his face and laughs, "I'm sitting here petrified of my fiances father."

"I've told you a thousand times mom is going to love you."

"Does your father even know?" Steve motioned to the backseat where his shield sat in it's leather case. "About?"

"I haven't see my father in two years. He doesn't even know about my whole," You motion with your fists like your air punching. "He'd flip out."

"Well I guess your parents being separated helps with that."

You run your fingers through your hair, "He thinks I work as a technician for an American security firm."

"That is, pretty much accurate," Steve chuckles. "So how am I going to smuggle a whole vibranium shield into your house?"

"Okay well we will cross that bridge when we get there."

Steve looks over at you, "Babe, the bridge is right in front of us!"

"Okay let's get in there and just, run? With it?"

              Steve and you get out of the car. You grab his hand and lead him up to the door. You open the door, "I'm home!"

Steve closes it and stands behind you.

"She's home!" Your mother exclaims as she emerges from the kitchen.

"Hey mom," You chuckle and hug her tight.

"Look at you," She looks you and down. "Two years has changed you."

"Yeah well. Mom this is my fiance Steve!" You pull Steve forward.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Y/l/n," Steve hugs your mom.

"My she was right. You are a looker."

"Um, thanks?" Steve cocks an eyebrow and looks at you.

"I'll explain later," You mouth as he walks in.

Your dad looks you up and down, "Well aren't you all growed up."

"Hey dad," You smile. "Long time no see."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Last time we talked you had booked it up to New York," Your dad crossed his arms.

"Nice to see you too. And dad, I had a great job offer. They need people like me up there."

Your dads gaze was no longer on you. He was staring steve into the ground.

"Uh, Dad. This is my fiance Steve," You step back beside Steve.

"Nice to meet you sir," Steve shakes your dads hand.

"Okay well why don't we get you two settled in? I made roast beef for supper, it'll be ready shortly."

"I'll get the bags," Steve shrugged.

"I'll help," Your dad followed your fiance out of the house.

"So," You look at your mom. "He's back?"

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