Pov: A Little Out Of It (Bucky)

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You finish your third glass of water. Anything to keep your stomach cramping from hunger.

"Ready to go?" Your mother, pepper, asks.

"No," you groan.

"Hey, I was nearly blown up by terrorists!" Your fathers Mr. Tony Stark comments from where he stands by the glass window overlooking the compound.

"Tony! Have a little compassion for your daughter," Pepper slaps your father playfully as he folds up the newspaper.

"Aw who am I kidding. You are going to be fine," Your dad kisses the top of your head. "If you aren't well, they'll have to contend with Ironman. Or I'll sue their scrawny tails off whatever works best."

Your mother chuckles and pulls you to your feet, "Alright let's get this over with!"

"Amen to that," you reply.

"I'll have the jello ready when you get home," Your father hugs you and chuckles.

"Thanks dad. Appreciate it," you laugh. "Anything for my baby girl."

You roll your eyes with an exaggerated roll.

"Bye honey." Your mom kisses your dad.

"Bye mittens," You kiss your little tuxedo cat goodbye.

"Wish you would take that darn cat with you!" Your dad calls after you as your mother escorts you to the door.

Happy closes the door, "So big day?"

"D-day," you grumble.

"Oh come on sunshine. It can't be that bad!" Happy closes your mothers door and then sits in the front seat of your dad's limousine. 

"I've been alive for 21 years! I don't know why my teeth decided to act up now!" You chuckle. Your phone dings.

BuckyBear: Have fun today. I'll drop by and check to see if you're alive later. Just kidding , doll. I love you.

You: gee thanks. I love you too.

"I'll take that," Your mom takes your phone. "Don't want you embarrassing yourself."

"Hah. Thank you, " you laugh out loud as the two of you walks up the sidewalk to your dentists office.

"Y/n Stark," Your mom passes over a form and your health card.

The nurse takes both documents and scans the card, "Room 2c. The doctors will be with you shortly."

"Hey Jarvis," you whisper to the bracelet your dad gave you.

"Hello y/n," Jarvis's computerized voice replies.

"How many people a year die from wisdom tooth extraction?"

"None," Jarvis replies. "Wisdom tooth removal is not fatal and rarely causes the patient more than pain or discomfort."


"Of course Miss Stark," Jarvis chimes off.

Your mother leads you down the hall. The place reeks like disinfectant. People in scrubs walk up and down the hall with clipboards. Some with medical tools. 

              "Alright baby," Your mom opens a door. "Here we are."

"Oh swell," you grumble.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. I had mine done when I was your age. I messaged happy and asked him to pick up a couple things of ramen and some juice mixes."

The Bucky Barnes Collection:Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora