Chapter 37

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I still say we should bring Fangs in," I said.

"We gotta get aggressive, Kev," Betty said, ignoring me. "Chic's turning down a lot of money because he's refusing to take a blood test and we need to find out why. What exactly is he hiding?"

"What am I supposed to do? Just ask him?" Kevin asked, looking to me for help.

I shrugged. "My suggestions are being shot down."

"I have a plan," Betty said with a smile. "It's slightly insane."

"Come on, Kevin, it's not that insane of a plan," I said a few minutes later. "It's a routine thing that can be done at any clinic." Betty nodded encouragingly. "Hell, if you know the right people, you don't have to go to the clinic, you can get your blood tested without filling out all the paperwork."

"Okay," Kevin said, breathing deeply. "We'll circle back to that last part later, Abigail, but let's do it." I grinned triumphantly as Kevin opened his laptop.

"Hey stranger, been missing your cute face," Chic said over the speaker. "Where'd you go?"

"Uh, yeah, sorry I went MIA. I actually..." Kevin trailed off nervously, glancing at Betty. "I just got tested for the first time and...I'm negative but it's been pretty intense."

"Your first test? Congrats, cowboy. That's a milestone."

I leaned my chair back onto its rear legs, waiting for the train crash Betty was going to cause with her frantic gestures and mouthing of words at Kevin.

"Uh, do you get tested?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, I used to go every week," Chic admitted. "Man, I had the worst scare once."

"Oh, yeah? What happened?" Kevin asked, waving a dismissive hand at Betty.

"Yeah, it's a long story but, uh..." Chic began. "I was living with a rougher crew than I am now."

I couldn't take Betty's frantic movements anymore and dropped my chair back onto its four legs, the sound echoing in the small room. She glared at me, Kevin looking over the computer screen startled.

"Wait, are you talking to somebody else?" Chic asked suspiciously.

"Uh, I..." Kevin stammered, slamming the laptop shut. "That's it, I'm out!"

"No! What do you mean, Kev?" Betty asked innocently.

"Sorry, Betty, but your brother actually seems like a really good guy and this is starting to make me feel like a really bad person so sorry, but I'm done."

Betty watched him leave before turning back to me, glaring. "We could have gotten something from him this time," she snapped.

"What? Were you going to push Kevin to find out which clinic he went to for testing so you could go pull his file?"

"I, I don't know, but now Kevin's not going to be any help, and even if I can get him back in here, Chic will probably not want to talk to him anymore."

"Look, Betty, I've already warned you that Chic isn't a good guy. He even fucking admitted it just now, when he told Kevin he used to run with a rougher crew," I said. "Why do you care about this blood test so much? Are you just going to drop all this and pretend the creepy vibes you're getting from Chic are nothing because you really are related by blood?"

"I just need to know the truth," Betty said weakly. "And so does Polly. She's spent less time around Chic than I have and even she thinks he's weird."

"Well, you're gonna have to find another way to get his blood then," I said, standing. "Accidentally stab him or something. I have to meet someone right now, I'll see you later." Betty gave a small wave as I walked out, dropping her head in her hand. "Oh, and next time you use someone to catfish Chic via webcam, don't go so crazy with all the gestures and mouthing things that nobody can understand," I said, turning around. "Even if I hadn't banged the chair legs on the floor like that, things were going to fall apart.

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