Chapter 3 - The Box

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3rd Person POV

In the morning Grian woke up feeling refreshed and ready for a new day. He liked how him and Mumbo had made up in the end, knowing what he had done in the end.

Knock Knock Knock

Grian cocked his head at the door in confusion, his wings spreading open, ready for an attacker for a worse case scenario. He cautiously walked up to the door, slowly opening it to see who was standing there.

- Grian? -

Mumbo looked at the Parrot boy who was peeking around the door, frying pan in hand.

- Mate, why do you have a frying pan in your hand? -

Mumbo asked, confused. Grian dropped the frying pan, landing on his foot.

- OWWW! -

He hissed as he grabbed his foot in pain. Mumbo swung the door open to help him. Grian grabbed him to stabilize himself. Mumbo kneeled down, grabbing his waist by accident as he went to look at the pesky bird's foot. Grian blushed, trying to seem as calm as possible.. but inside he was screaming. He didn't know why he felt like this, after all, him and Mumbo were just friends. Each time he saw Mumbo, he got this weird feeling. It was almost like when he was with Mumbo, everything around them just didn't exist. Like it was just the two of them in the universe, nothing else around. Like time stops and only they are moving. Suddenly, Grian got snapped out of thought, noticing Mumbo talking to him.

- Uhhh Grian? Are you okay? -

Mumbo asked, concerned for Grian. The moustached man has never seen his avian friend.. so lost in thought. He has never seen Grian's pupils so dilated before. Also never seen Grian blush so much.. His friend was almost just staring into his soul. Though it was a bit mesmerising. For some odd reason, he just stared back at Grian. The more Mumbo stared, the more he felt himself blush as well. This moment between the two friends seemed like it lasted forever.

- Yeah.. I'm- I'm fine.. -

The avian responded, looking away. While the two friends were busy looking into their eyes, Grian put his hands on Mumbo's chest without noticing himself. Now they were just standing there, the moustached man's hands still on the pesky bird's waist, with the pesky bird's hands on the moustached man's chest. Mumbos eyes grew as he realised quickly standing up brushing his hands against his legs. 

- Oh my gosh! So sorry Gri! -

He blurted and stammered out. Grian looked away ashamed of what he thought Mumbo was hinting at. Mumbo was red in the face from embarrassment. He didn't mean to grab Grian's waist, he hadn't even realised for a long time as well. They awkwardly looked at each other, the tension growing slowly.

A couple long seconds later Grian started a conversation.

- sooooo, why were you here again? -

Grian stated, looking up at the moustached man in confusion. Mumbos face still had a slight hint of red at the cheeks but luckily not as much as before.

- em? I don't remember anymore, G, so sorry. -

Mumbo rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. After having that staring session, he couldn't bring himself to look Grian in the eyes. It just would be too awkward for the both of them. Then he remembered what he wanted to talk to Grian about.

- Oh! There's this weird box near Impulse's base. I was wondering if you wanted to come check it out with me.. -

The moustached man felt so embarrassed asking the pesky bird to go check that out with him. It almost felt like he was asking him to go on a date with him. Obviously, that wasn't the case, they are only best friends, after all. Grian's eyes grew with confusion, looking at Mumbo as if he was from Mars. He had no idea what his best friend meant. Like there's no way that a weird box randomly appeared near Impulse's base, right?

- What weird box? -

Grian asked, tilting his head slightly.

- Why don't you just follow me, if your foot is ok now, obviously. It's in between Pearl's and Impulse's base but quite a lot closer to Impulse's. So... you going to come? - 

Mumbo questioned him. He hoped that Grian would agree and join him. The moustached didn't want to go alone, and having his best friend with him seemed like the best idea. And it was. He could go with someone that actually understood him and appreciated him. Now he was anxious, waiting for Grian to answer.

- Uhhh sure I'll go with you, why not -

The pesky bird agreed with a smile. This didn't seem as much of bad idea. After all, he was going with the closest person to him, well, apart from his sister of course.

Grian slapped on his shoes and joined Mumbo. They silently walked over to the mysterious box that seemed to have appeared overnight. As they started to approach the box Grian started to shy away, getting more and more nervous the closer he got to the box with Mumbo. He thought about just holding Mumbo's hand, y'know, to feel at least a but at ease. But that'd probably be embarrassing.. Mumbo would probably think he's weird.

- Mumbo, what... is this thing? -

Grian asked, scared he started to hide behind Mumbo as they walked, getting rid of the idea to hold his hand at once. Suddenly, the moustached man wrapped his arm around Grian's shoulders, pulling him next to himself once more. At this sudden movement, the avian's eyes widened, immediately looking away from his friend. He started to feel his cheeks burn up, feeling his heart pounding in his chest wildly. Though Grian still couldn't figure out why he felt this way each and every time Mumbo did something like this.

- Honestly.. I have no idea- It just randomly appeared out of the blue -

The two men walked right next to each other for a while, avoiding each others gaze, both red in the cheeks. They now were in front of the weird box next to Impulse's base and.. jeez was it hideous. They looked at it, then back at each other, and back on the box. For the first time this whole walk, Grian took the lead. He went into the box, Mumbo right behind him, pressed against his back. What they both didn't expect.. was a creeper.

- AHHHHHH!!! -

They both screamed in unison. Poof! They had both died from the creeper attack.

Grian shot up in his bed, heavily panting. Groaning he laid back down, seconds later a tall black-suited man spawned right next to him, soon identified as Mumbo. Grians head whipped around..


(Hallo! It's Virty (virtykit) here, as you can see I'll be helping to write this fanfic! Hope you like it as much as I do! -Virty)

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