Chapter 10 - Love Is In The Air

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3rd Person POV (Mumbo)

Beep Beep Beep

Mumbo's mind was fuzzy, everything was blurry, he could hear a voice which he couldn't pick out who it was from. A high pitched noise pierced his ears. He tried to shake his head but his head didn't move. What was wrong with him? He could see a blurry pink thing with brown medium length hair and a flower crown hover over him. Stress? Stress then ran away and soon a familiar tall Swedish man popped into view, still blurry but still recognisable. He seemed to be holding a smaller human which Mumbo recognised instantly from the Parrot wings. Why was Iskall holding onto Grian? Iskall had gently shook Grian and he seemed to have woken up. Wait a minute, where was he? He didn't recognise the place. His vision slowly got clearer as Grian jumped onto the bed, kneeling next to Mumbo. Soon enough his hearing came back aswell.

- Mumbo, you there? -

Grian spoke softly. Mumbo slowly nodded.

- I can hear you Gri -

He whispered quietly, still weak. Grian dived into a hug, holding Mumbo tightly. Tears raced down his face.

- How long have I been here? -

Mumbo whispered. Grian pointed at the wall next to him. It read "2 days". Mumbo sat there in silence. How had he been knocked out for 2 days. 

- How? -

He whispered again. Grian looked at him with sympathy.

- You had a panic attack and passed out, we don't know how it was 2 days though -

He whispered back, trying not to startle him with how loud it would suddenly sound. Mumbo sat there in silence again. He didn't know how to react, yes it was only 2 days but.. it was 2 days, this had never happened before. Grian gently kissed his head, softly playing with his hair. Mumbo slowly sat up looking around a bit more. Stress, Iskall, Grian and Xisuma were all there. He hadn't noticed Xisuma earlier, this must've affected him a bit, he looked tired. 

- Xisuma, you look tired -

Mumbo said slightly louder now that he was getting more used to his surroundings. He could now see he was at Stress' base, in the nursing area which she had just in case. 

- I saw Grian flying past me after I was flying away from.. something. I was curious considering I could see something limp in his arms, saw I was you after arriving and decided to watch over and Grian slept with Iskall, I haven't slept in the 2 days you've been out -

Xisuma muttered, he did sound extremely tired. Mumbo felt bad for him, he had made this while commotion and now people are tired all because of him. He felt so stupid. 

- At Least you're OK now Mumbo -

Xisuma muttered with a weak smile, he stood up and said goodbye and went off, hopefully to sleep. Grian climbed over Mumbo and sat on his lap. Hugging Mumbo close, his face buried in the moustached man's shirt. 

- We'll leave you two be hon -

Stress softly spoke, dragging Iskall out with her, smiling madly. She seemed so happy. Mumbo is still quite tired even though he technically has been sleeping for 2 days. Grian's grip tightened even more, Mumbo's shirt slowly getting soaked from tears from the small avian.

- I missed you Mumbo -

Grian whispered, he was extremely scared the whole time, not knowing if he was going to wake up or not. Mumbo returned the hug, rubbing Grian's back in circles to help calm him. Before long, Grian was asleep, his arms losing their grip on Mumbo's shirt. Mumbo softly smiled at the avian. He also must've been extremely tired. Mumbo rang the service bell, Stress heard this and walked in.

- Can you possibly take him away from me. I just want to walk about for a wee bit. Look at the world for a little while -

Stress nodded, carefully picking Grian up from Mumbo's lap. She cradled him in her arms as she walked away, Mumbo slowly stood up, stretching every part of his body before going on a little walk around the place. Stress' hospital type wing looked so cosy and homely, she must've spent a wee while on it. He walked past a chair to see Iskall Sitting.

- Hey man -

Mumbo spoke to Iskall, His head popped up, looking straight into Mumbo's eyes.

- Hey! How are you feeling? -

He asked softly, Mumbo nodded, he felt quite a lot better from earlier. He walked over and sat down next to Iskall. Iskall didn't look like his usual self. Mumbo noticed this so decided to ask if he was ok.

- Are you ok Iskall? You don't seem like your usual self -

Iskall sighed looking back down at his feet.

- It's nothing for you to worry about -

- It is something for me to worry about, you're my friend. Iskall what is it?? -

Iskall sighed once more. Mumbo leaned in a bit more, he wanted what would be best for Iskall and didn't like seeing him like this. Iskall turned and looked straight into Mumbo's eyes, only to look away moments later.

- It's about Stress, she's just.. Ugh, she's perfect in every way and.. Ah! -

Iskall put his head in his hands, groaning. Mumbo understood what Iskall meant, he carefully put a hand on Iskall's shoulder.

- Tell me why she's so great -

Iskall turned to face him and started to list things.

- She's nice, kind, beautiful, helpful, always up to new things, did i mention beautiful, her building skills are outstanding, her whole personality is always so bubbly and bouncy, she will help anyone whenever. She's just perfect... -

Iskall had a soft smile on his face as he spoke, he was definitely in love with her. Talking about Stress, she walked into the room.

- He's asleep in my bed, how are you 2 doing? -

Iskall was staring at Stress with pure love. Mumbo saw this and looked up at Stress.

- I'm doing great, i'll go stay with Grian, leave you 2 b- -

- We're great Stress, me and Mumbo will be staying right here -

Stress smiled. Waving at the two men before saying goodbye. She gently ruffled Iskall's hair as she walked by to leave the house. Iskall went bright red, covering his face.

- Just ask her out mate, you're perfect for each other -

Iskall covered his face looking off into the distance

- Do you think so -

He was still looking off to the distance smiling softly. Mumbo placed his hand back on Iskall's shoulder. Iskall stood up swiftly, Mumbo's hand slipping off.

- I'm going to go talk to her, possibly ask, Bye Mumbo!! -

Iskall walked off with his new found confidence, Mumbo smiled and walked to Stress' room where he found his parrot. He sat on the bed next to him gently playing with his hair. Grian's seemingly asleep body moved and wrapped its arms around Mumbo's waist. Grian opened one eye and crawled on top of Mumbo's lap, burying his face back into Mumbo's shirt, falling asleep once more. Soon enough Mumbo had fallen asleep too, Grian fast asleep on his chest. Stress walked in to check up on Grian to see this cute scene only to smile softly, switching the light off and walking out. Iskall was standing there looking all nervous as she carefully closed the door, leaving the 2 sleep for the night.

- Hey Iskall, are you ok? -

Stress said with a worried look on her face.

- Hey Stress, im fine i just wanted to ask -

Iskall stuttered, staring at his feet, he then looked up to speak. He slowly opened his mouth then...

[1271 words, i found this so fucking cute!! if you have any questions put them here, ill try to answer this as well as i can. Love ya ~Sculk]

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