Chapter Two

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"Look, you cannot get in wearing that. This is not a goddamn party for a goddamn princess. There is a dress code that we follow..."

"You are strict when it comes to your dress code but can't even check the IDs of the people you let inside? If you love your job and want to keep working here, you will let me in before I call the cops on you for letting a minor inside your bar." 

His arrogance faded in an instant. His eyes grew wide. I can see the frustration on his face. His other big, bulky men waited for his instructions, but he kept silent. I know they can kick me out if they want to, but they won't do that. They should know better. It only takes one police report to get this bar closed. 

"Come on! The clock is ticking," I said, pushing his limits. 

After the staring contest between us two, he finally stepped to the side, giving me enough space to walk through their entrance. "Good choice," I whispered close to his ear before going inside. 

When I was finally in, I was able to let out a shaky breath. Usually, I would have flipped seeing those big guys, but I knew I had to act tough in order for them to let me in. There was no time to waste because this is not a safe place for a teenager.

Bars, clubs, pubs or whatever you call it, these are places where danger is lurking with bad people waiting for their victims. With that in mind, I immediately looked around the bar which was not easy because of how cramped the place is. I can't give up though. 

I kept searching and looking despite the stares I'm getting from these people. I don't know how long I have been in the bar until I finally saw a glimpse of Monique. There she was in the corner, surrounded by three grown men. They were laughing and drinking. Looking at her, I think I finally know why she was allowed inside. 

She wasn't dressed like a sixteen-year-old at all. Even her makeup made her look like she was in her early twenties. I sighed at the thought that if she had done it now, she could do it again in the future. I only met her a couple of times and most of those encounters were not pleasant. There were times where I would be trapped in a place with her and her dad, arguing. 

Monique is an only child. That is probably the reason why she is treated like a princess. I know how strict and intimidating Mr. Brown can be, but when it comes to Monique, he just gives in almost immediately to her requests. But this time, I don't know what is going to happen as soon as she gets home. 

I walked towards their direction and that caught one of the men's attention. He looked at me without taking his eyes off me. Monique saw him and so she followed his gaze and when she saw me, her eyes grew big in shock. 

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"We should go," I told her. 

"Woah!" one of the men said while stepping in between Monique and me. 

"You did not even say your name and you're leaving already?" He asked while grabbing my arm. 

This is the reason why kids are not safe in here. People think they can do whatever they want when you're in a place like this. I shook my arm and he ultimately let go of me. 

"Can you just leave?" Monique asked with desperation. 

"I can, but when I do, your dad will come for you." She clenched her fists. Clearly, she does not like the idea of her dad coming down for her. 

"Do you really want me to leave?" I asked. 

"Bruh, let her have fun! You're ruining the moment." 

I faced the guy and had to look up because he is so tall. "You will end up ruining your lives if she won't leave this instant."

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