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Even gods have no place in this modern world. They can't live without fear of death. They envy us, for living our short petty lives, but they cannot play this dark game of horrors. Gods cannot live like us, as much as they may try.

The μεθυσμένος διάβολος μπαρ - drunk devil bar - was the hot spot in this town. Big city lights and backway alleys with the sky the colour of smoke, isn't paradise to many. The bar is one of the only few places, people find joy.

The smell of the place was enough to send anyone with a weak enough stomach out the door. The walls are a dark brown colour nearly black, bare light bulbs hang from the ceiling giving a dim aura to the place. The bar was up the back, covered in golden detailing as well as being covered in alcohol, the stench wafting to the front door. Booths are sliding into the wall, leaving space for tables in the middle.

It was still early. But it wouldn't be long till the 'royals' walked in. At least that's what the town called them. There was something different about them, the town would say, as if they knew they could kill everyone in the room with just a look. Which I don't doubt, knowing them.

Whereas some think they were simply bastards who knew how to fight.

There were ten of them. I only really knew a handful, but nonetheless.

First was a young woman, very business-like. She was tall and beautiful, but had some violent tendencies. She could hold her own, that's for sure. She went by the name Athena.

Then there was a pair of twins. Apollo and Artemis. Apollo played in a rock band whenever it suited him, I suppose. But he was in deep, the liquor and heroin. Whereas the girl was quiet and shy. She stayed home most dark evenings, brushing her hair, taking pills to relax. They both were into hunting. Bows and arrows generally accompanied them most evenings.

Aphrodite was another. Senior high school slut I'll guess. She hung out with the 'royals' nearly every evening, some were worried and some were not surprised. Aphrodite however, well she was the fairest maiden anyone had ever seen. She was stunningly beautiful, enough to make the dead want to rise from the grave. Her long blonde hair flowed in the wind, but her icy blue stare made her wrath and jealousy known.

She had a thing for another guy. He was about four, maybe five years older but he had lots of admirers. His name was Ares. Hot, but violent too. He was into fighting, beating up any guy who even glanced at his girl. He'd usually stir something up at the bar with Athena, when they 'royals' were out. He had a black motorcycle with red flames licking the bottom, the roar of the engine was the loudest thing in town.

Another man, called Hermes, joined the large group. Sweet talker with fast legs mostly. He had a new girl every other week. Hermes was a guy chasing his bets, in and out of jail every other night due to petty theft. He passed out in clubs halfway through the night always needing a life home at dawn when he awoke.

Then there was an older woman. Still as beautiful as the rest, but you could see the wisdom of a longer life bleeding from her eyes. She never seemed particularly interested in very much anything. She just sat there, a blank look on her face always seeming to be in a daze, while sipping red wine from a long stemmed glass. Her name was Hera.

She was married to one of the big three.

The big three as many called them, were the three brothers who held the most power among the group. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. There was always an argument between the three, each always threatening war with one another. Yet none of them truly brave enough to slit the others throats.

Zeus was legally married to Hera. He worked as a ceo for some dull company set on breaking bad. But he was secretly fucking his assistant in the bathroom stalls. He couldn't keep it in his pants. Ever. He was the eldest of the brothers. Always setting rules for the rest and demanding ridiculous things. He wanted everything. Power, money, women. But men like him never get anything. They get footnotes in history and die alone.

The second eldest brother, Poseidon, was an angry man. He raped a woman and charmed his way out of court. Her name is now spat out and cursed across town. He drinks tequila as if it was like water. It's what he blamed for his emotions, but really he was just angry at anyone and anything that didn't look at him in awe.

Poseidon wanted to be Zeus. He wanted the role, the title, everything. But he never got it. He knew he would never get it. Not with everything in his way.

Lastly there was Hades. Hades didn't do much, just stirring some argument up among the group and taking his leave. He was a dark man, full of vengeance and hate. Surprisingly however, he had a soft spot for a special girl. Her name was Persephone and she was a special girl. She could pick flowers, to make daisy crowns but would be fit to kill. Hades was a tough guy selling drugs to anyone who could pay well enough but for her he'd let her sit on his lap and cover him in petals.

So those were the 'royals'. Always drinking, always starting a fight. But this isn't about what they were like. This is about who they truly were beneath all those rumours.

Because that's what I planned to find out. 

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