"I cannot argue with that, I admire your diligence greatly."

After praising you, his opened hand extends over the desk with his palm facing up. It amazes him how he need not say any words for you to understand he wanted to simply hold your hand.

Compliantly you placed your hand over his. Feeling it in place he holds its firmly, thumb softly gliding over your fingers. It almost made you chuckle, the way he silently and softly begged for things. You hadn't known he could be like a needy child at times.

"I am astonished by how fond I am of these simple little things. Spending quality time and light affectionate touches."

"It seems even the Iudex himself is prone to loneliness and desires."
you tease

"The burden of my duties"

he clears his throat and your worries are once again solidified from hearing that. His sweet words, you couldn't help but feel like he was preparing to tell you unfortunate news. Dragging your hand away, your face grows serious

"I- i'm feeling kind of sleepy so I think I will go"

"Wait- I uh, wanted to discuss last night."

he pleads you stay slightly longer. His words cause your stomach to drop, surely he wouldn't fire you right?!

"Last night.. was a mistake."

you untruthfully blurted out, thinking it was better to shut it down yourself before he did. His brows furrow, confused by your sudden dismissiveness

"a mistake?"
he quietly repeats

you nod

"I see, so my likeness to you is unrequited then?"

The responsible thing would be...
"Yes. So- so there's no need to fire me or for things to change and we can continue this safe dynamic"

You shut eyes, afraid to see his disappointed expression. Instead you hear a soft relieved laugh from him,

"Hah, fire you? Is that what this is about then?"

he didn't buy into it?

"You are a terrible liar it seems but yet so bold to try knowing I am the Iudex, hm?"
he wipes his eye, as if it was really that comical

"But- how can I keep my job if- if"

"If I make you so nervous?"
he crossed his arms

gulping, you nod and sink into the chair

"That's why I wanted to discuss it, but you were so quick to dismiss me."

"Sorry... you're right it's probably better to talk about it than impulsively jumping the gun."
you face palm yourself

"Well, you're only human after all but id still prefer you refrain from lying like that again."

"So... how is this supposed to work?"

"Hm, I haven't a clue"
he states

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