part 36

308 17 9

Previous part......

Min Bungalow...
10 p.m.

Jennie's room ...

Jennie: Oh my god I'm so excited.

Y/N: Yeah me too .

Mrs. Min: So where are you all going for trip? ( she asked as she entered into the room )

Jennie: Oh we are going to Pyeong Chang!

Mrs. Min: Oh I heard it's a nice place . You all should go and enjoy.

Jennie: Are you and appa going to somewhere ?

Mrs. Min: No appa had alot of work and I'm also busy in my work too .

Y/N: Don't miss us much when we will be out of town.

Mrs. Min: Yeah yeah ! If you need any help in packing ask me .

Jennie: Okay !

Mrs. Min: Now go and sleep it's already late .

Jennie: Yea ! Good night Eomma !

Y/N: Good night Masi !

Mrs. Min: Good night girls !

She went to her room ..

Y/N also went to her room and slept while thinking about Aarohi but her mind got diverted when sudden thought of Taehyung cross her mind .

She noticed little changes in Taehyung's behavior and blushed lightly and putting her face in pillow she smiled and drifted to her sleep .


Next Day........

On call..

Y/N: Yes Ma I know but I can't come na I have some dreams too and I can't leave my University in the middle atleast let me graduate from here .

You too know I left 2 colleges in middle semester. Now I can't. Just give me 1 more year . I promise I'll be back . Please mom give a chance .

( scoffed ) I know and Yeah I will . Fine . Ya bye .

She hung up the call.

Y/N sat on the bed and murmured...

Why they think what I did was wrong ? Why can't they just understand me ? Don't they call Aarohi is like their own daughter then why are they ashamed when I- ( scoffed ) they are thinking about what Society will say about them.

Since childhood I was teached I can't laugh out loud . I can't talk back . I have to sit like a women I must have to behave myself. And moreover being a elder daughter of the family all the responsibility of my younger siblings and cousins are on me . I have to be Ideal sibling for them . I have to be Ideal daughter of my family . Everyone is having high expectations on since childhood.

[ Without her knowing a single tear fell from her left eye . ]

I have been kept like a secret from this media not many knows I'm the  daughter of Mr. Singhania only few of his business partners knows and some family friends. But papa let everyone know that Abhinav is his son but what about me ? ( scoff ) I wanna run away but I don't want my papa's pride to go down atleast for studies I'm far from there high expectations.

But I have to go back again I just can't left them like this. This is not in Singhania's blood . This is not what Elder daughter does . ( smiling brightly) I will make them proud . I will succeed their expectations on me because I'm the elder child. I'm Y/N Singhania who knows not to go down.

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