part 15

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Dress boutique..

Rose : Where are they both ?

Jennie: They both are taking so much time!

Jungkook: Oh hey girls did you bought yours ?

Jennie: Yes just Rose is confused.

Rose : Should I buy green or pink or purple?

Y/N and Jungkook: How about black ?

Rose : Black ? But there are so many ?

Y/N and Jungkook: That one ( They both pointed at same dress together )

Jennie: Wow you both have same choice. But Y/N what about you ?

Y/N : I don't need to buy I have something really good one !

Jungkook: What it is ? Something Indian?

Y/N : Maybe yes you will see in party . Let's go home now ?

Jennie: Let's have lunch outside? Mom and Dad are not at home too !

Y/N: OK then ...

Jungkook: But umm ok ...
( Little did he know someone was following them )


To be continued .........


Jungkook: But umm ok ...
( Little did he know someone was following them)

Rose: Let's go to the near by restaurant !?

Y/N : OK


Eun-bi:  Y/N was in boys boutique section because of that Jungkook but shocking thing is that-

Seo-jun: She picked outfit for Min Yoongi and also he asked her for it ?

Eun-bi: Is there something going between them?

Seo-jun: Maybe but did you took some pictures of them?

Eun-bi: Yes also their faces are visible.

Seo-jun: Good let's follow her .

  They both followed Y/N and Jungkook until they reached girls boutique and hide behind the pillar ...

   Jungkook felt like someone was constantly watching him as he moved his head left and right to see he saw someone was hiding behind the pillar he tried to see their face but was unsuccessful as the person behind pillar run away suddenly..


Y/N: Jungkook what were you thinking?

Jungkook: Nothing!
Jungkook thought ( I'm sure someone is following us )

  Eun-bi held Seo-jun hand and run from there ...
Eun-bi : We shouldn't be that close he was about to see us !

Seo-jun: Hmm let's just pretend like we are here for shopping not following someone!

Eun-bi: Let's buy ice-cream and follow them ?

Seo-jun: Like pretend to roam here ? Ok !


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