16| Log 005 Pt. 1

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When I arrived back in Records, all of my Team 4 coworkers jumped out of their cubicles to surround me.

"Congrats, Loren," said Soma.

Bayu sighed. "But what are we going to do without you?"

I looked over their worried faces. "I'm sure my replacement will fulfill their duties well. And AM Young's expectations are in the gutter, so there's no need to worry."

Forest fiddled her thumbs. "Loren," she called softly eyes shifting from side to side. "Actually, I got a second email. They're offering me Team Leader, but it's up to me. If I refuse, they'll find someone else. I'm not sure what to do."

I couldn't identify with Forest's nervousness. She was levelheaded and capable, never displaying a lack of confidence and doing her job well, so her current demeanor felt odd and out of place. Unable to muster up sympathy, I could only handle her confession logically.

"I believe in your capabilities, but that's useless if you don't believe in them yourself. Don't do it if you have doubts. People will only stress with an uncertain leader."

Forest frowned, bottom lip twisted as if in pain. "Wow. It's been a while."

Confused, I looked at my coworkers for cues only to see them frowning or making unpleasant faces as well.

Clearly I had said something wrong. As I thought back over my words to locate my mistake, the others dispersed.

Bayu sighed again while tilting his head. "Will he really be okay in the Upper Division?"

Soma tilted his the other way. "He's not wrong, but the wording..."

There was nothing I could add for good measure as I'd already said I believed in her. "Sorry I can't offer anything else," I said openly.

With wide eyes, and a lip shrug, Forest just replied, "No, my nerves are gone now." Though she didn't look any bit relieved, only annoyed. "I can only sort out my feelings and decide for myself."

I was glad she'd returned to her usual countenance. "You've been here the longest so I doubt they'll offer the position to anyone else on the Team." Guilt shouldn't be a factor. Watching her annoyed and deep-in-thought expression, I frowned and asked, "Are you actually unconfident or is it the extra responsibility that has you reluctant?"

She held up a hand and turned away. "Loren, please. Nobody likes being read like a book."

I took that as my cue to withdraw. If that had been her worry, I don't understand why she didn't just say that to begin with rather than acting coy.

I told everyone, "I'm going to Team 2 to tell Bradley."

"Take some tissues."

"Wait, Loren, should we have a going away dinner? I can make the reservation."

I shook my head. "For just the four of us? No need. I'll be busy the next few evenings so we can just grab lunch. I appreciate the thought, though."

As I left, I overheard Soma begging Forest to take the Team Leader position so they wouldn't have to deal with a stranger's new leadership style.

Bradley's eyes glistened as I informed him of my transfer.

"Do you really have to go? You're so amazing; what are we going to do without you? What will I do?"

Seeing him misty-eyed and considering Darcy's stagnancy, I decided to ask him what I'd been wondering for some time. "Bradley, do you mind telling me why you got demoted?"

In the privacy of the hallway, Bradley shifted his big eyes and then took a deep breath, looking down and playing with his fingers. "I was a technician working at the terminal for the portal. An investigation team was due to return from a mission late at night. I had been low on sleep so while waiting, I ended up dozing off and missed their return signal. Because of the time conversion, they were stuck in that world for another day." His hand covered his face, highlighting his shame.

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