18| Log 005 Pt. 3

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I frowned and probably revealed some contempt, then moved my eyes towards Singer who was eyeing him with her upper lip lifted in disgust.

She cleared her throat and then gave me a tight yet polite smile. "How can I help you, Investigator Loren?"

I glanced back at Garcia who was leaning back in his chair with a calm expression and typing speedily on his work communicator.

Singer glared, then kicked his chair. "Would you please be more professional?"

Garcia glanced at her with a jutted-out lip and narrowed eyes as he put his communicator away, then sat in his chair properly. "Investigator Loren, you look great in casual clothes."

"Unfortunately, I was just born this way," I replied dismissively, then turned back to Singer. "Is Secretary Grey in his office?"

From my periphery, I could see Garcia frown with a tilted head and rapid blinks, like I had said something perplexing.

Singer gazed at me silently for a few seconds then looked down at her computer. "Possibly. He may be with CEO Finn. Shall I call him?"

I nodded once. "That sounds appropriate."

Garcia glanced between me and Singer repeatedly.

Singer picked up an earpiece and situated it on her ear. "Investigator Loren is here and would like to see you."

A figure was coming from the opposite end of the hallway and I looked over to see the other secretarial staff Yong and Justice.

"Good morning," I greeted.

They greeted me with smiles.

Singer questioned into her earpiece, "Secretary Grey?"

"Are you here to see Secretary Grey?" Yong asked, eyeing my clothes. "But isn't it your rest day?"

"Hm, not exa—"

Garcia interrupted, standing up. "You should've seen the way he came in. He was like a runway model, all like—" Garcia used his hands to imitate opening elevator doors then put his hands in his trouser pockets and thrust his jaw forward, glowering.

Justice snorted and whined, "Garcia, no."

Garcia began brusquely strutting behind the desk, like a crosslegged ostrich trying to stomp out a line of stubborn cockroaches, straight towards Yong,

Yong cackled, cowering. "Hahaha, what is that!?"

"I was really just walking normally..." I muttered at the same time. It was a bizarre exaggeration I couldn't help but take slight offense to.

Singer rolled her eyes. "Garcia, you're being so drama—"

Yong's face fell, his laughter stopped, and he shot up straight at the same time Singer's speaking cut off.

Justice's head was pressed so close to an e-file, there was no way she was actually reading.

I glanced at Secretary Grey who had just arrived as he stared coldly at Garcia. Garcia's back was to him and he was the only one who hadn't noticed his supervisor's presence.

"Garcia," Secretary Grey's cold voice demanded. "What are you doing?"

Garcia froze, straightened up, then turned around and bowed. "My apologies, sir."

"Is this a college party?"

"No sir."

"A comedy show?"

"No sir."

There was a pause as Secretary Grey continued to stare, glare gone and replaced with a tired frown. "Sit down."

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