15| Log 004 Pt. 4

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"I'm only doing this because you're both special." CEO Finn dropped his gaze. "I wouldn't dream of leaving him to someone else."

His wording as if Secretary Grey was his pet or child left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Of course, before you begin investigating it's important that you participate in the standard training courses and team-building exercises." He stood up and walked back towards his desk while speaking faster. "It's also a requirement that all employees in the Upper Division reality management departments live in our employee apartments. You should finish moving in by the end of the day tomorrow. Human Resources will coordinate the logistics. Keep an eye on your email for further instructions. That's all." Now sitting in his chair, he waved his hand as if to shoo me out and resumed swiping his communicator screen.

Secretary Grey and I both stood at the same time, then looked at one another as the coordinated movement was unexpected.

His face was pale and his eyes soulless and cold. I bowed towards him.

"I'll be in your care."

Those cold eyes turned dimensional as the upper half of his face tensed in surprise and something that resembled sadness or worry flashed through. I really couldn't read his thoughts.

"Yes," he replied softly then turned his gaze to the floor.

I bowed to CEO Finn who was still tapping at his communicator and then left. On my way back to Records, I decided to stop by the desk of administrative secretaries.

That young staff's eyes were already settled on me as I'd entered the hallway, but they widened once I directed my path towards them.

Smiling gently and relaxing my eyes to show I had no ill intent, I leaned on the desk. "Excuse me. May I ask why you looked at me and laughed earlier?"

The young secretary smiled back but fidgeted in their chair. "I'm sorry, you'd looked at Secretary Grey's office and your face had just suddenly turned so green... so to speak—it seemed like your imagination had returned from war." They snickered again, then stifled it and covered their mouth. "It was just interesting to see someone with such elevated looks make that sort of mortal expression."

The other secretary tapped the desk with a reproachful gaze but the one before me just pouted, still amused.

The language of this staff used all sorts of trendy slang, they were definitely as young as I suspected. I wondered how they'd made it to such a high position in admin so early, considering that in this classist world, education and familial connections may have played a role.

"May I ask what your title is?"

They nodded once. "We're Assistant and Clerical Secretaries supervised by Executive Secretary Grey. "

"What kind of boss is he?"

Perhaps worried their coworker was going to respond too casually, the first secretary interrupted. "Assistant Loren, is there something in particular we can assist you with?"

I stepped over as if ready to speak and covertly placed my work communicator on the desk's built-in reader. The staff habitually looked at the monitor and then blinked several times.

It seemed I didn't need to explain my actions. I wondered if perhaps updating my info had been part of the swiping CEO Finn was doing before sending me off.

Seeing their always-poised coworker staring blankly at the screen, the younger one rolled the chair over to take a look.


The first swallowed and corrected themselves by reciting, "Investigator Loren, Reality Rip Resolution Department."

The younger one gasped again. "S-s-s—," they stuttered, pointing a trembling finger at the screen.

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