13| Log 004 Pt. 2

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Secretary Grey? I felt a chill and my hairs stand on end thinking that Secretary Grey might be summoning me. Why, how, and for what flashed through my mind like a looping marquee as I stiffly followed Manager Kean out of the elevator and into a small lobby. Directly in front was a large desk where four or so staff sat spaced a car's-length apart. The hallway continued down on either side, likely leading to administrative offices.

Manager Kean plastered her smile back on and placed her work communicator on a pad atop the desk.

The ponytailed, chiffon-scarved staff sitting behind made eye contact after looking at their monitor. "Manager Kean, Records Department." They looked back down at the monitor and then raised their eyes to meet mine.

There was a moment of silence and I saw Manager Kean take a deep breath as if to enter her theatrical play again, so I quickly cut her off by removing my communicator from my waistband and placing it atop the desk.

"Assistant Loren, Records Department," said the staff, likely an office assistant or clerical secretary. They turned to the staff at their left. "Could you lead them to CEO Finn's office?"

Before I had time to process their words, my attention was drawn to that other secretarial staff who looked directly at me, glanced me up and down, exchanged a look with their coworker who'd made the request, then stood up. "Please follow me."

This second staff gave a clear sign that this was not typical and seemed unable to keep their composure as well as the staff heading the desk.

I believe, by this point, I was too perplexed to do any more pondering and so blankly continued being led along.

The secretary escorting us appeared young, couldn't be older than 25 unless they had a serious baby face. Walking poised and with a barely detectable sashay, they led us down the right-hand hallway. At the end of the hallway was an office and I peeked at the placard:

Executive Secretary R. Grey

The windows were set to obscuration mode so not a thing could be seen inside and it was impossible to tell if even the lights were on. The staff made a sharp left and I found an elevator on the wall adjacent to the office.

Images flooded my mind of the CEO using this special elevator to make surprise visits to his secretary for all sorts of consensual or non-consensual harassment.

As the elevator doors opened, I found the escorting staff member looking at me. When our eyes met, they looked away and let out a mocking snicker.

I suddenly got the impression that the eighth and ninth floors of the administrative offices were horrible places to be. I was most likely going to be promoted to an administrative secretarial position. That suspicious, strange CEO had seen me that day and decided to promote me directly, and everyone was prepared to bully me. Was it Secretary Grey's idea? Because of the cat or the pickup situation?

I calmed down to think less like Darcy and more like myself.

While it was true that the CEO smirked in my direction before entering the Team 6 office that day he berated Secretary Grey, there was no evidence that he was promoting me to administration to bully me. There was also no evidence he was related to my transporting to this world. Hell, there was a higher chance he just saw me, liked my face, and wanted me to be eye candy in admin. The situation was definitely odd, but thinking the worst was silly and there was no point in weighing the less slim possibilities. One floor only took a short time to travel and more answers would open up when I stepped through the large doors of the CEO's office.

The secretary pressed a doorbell next to CEO Finn's placard and smiled at it, presumably at a camera.

"Your guests from Records are here, sir."

A latch sounded and the secretary bowed to us, glanced at me, smirked with mirth again, then left. Manager Kean opened the door and I followed her inside.

The CEO's office was as large as my apartment. White leather sofas formed a square outline around a gold-trimmed glass table. Artwork from paintings to flower vases atop carved stands and statues lined two walls. Another wall was entirely windows with a view overlooking the government district of the city. The final wall encompassed a television and built-in shelving displaying traditional bound books and e-files. Directly in front of that wall was the CEO's classical mahogany desk topped with white marble to match the floors, and the man himself was seated behind it.

'Extravagance' was the word that popped into my head as I quickly glanced around the office. My previous profiling of the CEO was accurate, it seemed.

The man was leaning back in his white leather desk chair, ankle resting atop one knee, smirking at either me or Manager Kean—or perhaps both of us. I did not pay him much mind because my attention was brought to the person standing beside his desk.

Secretary Grey's back was straight, his lips in a thin line, and while he was clearly trying to keep his composure I could still take these cues to perceive he was shocked and uncomfortable to see me. Confirming my suspicion, he finally tore his eyes away to stare stiffly at the CEO, as if wanting to silently demand an explanation. But the CEO paid him no mind.

"Manager Kean, thank you for escorting Assistant Loren to my office."

Manager Kean's snazzy demeanour was gone and nervous politeness in its place. "My pleasure, sir."

I glanced at the crystal name placard atop the CEO's desk written in garish barely legible calligraphy: Chief Executive Officer G. Finn.

Meanwhile, the CEO's calculating grey eyes bore into me as he remained silent, still smirking.

My expression relaxed, I glanced at the ceiling, windows, Secretary Grey's clenched jaw and slightly furrowed brow still pointed towards the CEO, the CEO's e-file folders atop the desk, and then Manager Kean's wringing hands.

If I was nervous and confused coming in, seeing the CEO in his office only filled me with annoyance. I was not petty, but if this man was going to test me with his silent gaze, I was not going to feed his ego by lowering my head nor challenge it by staring back.

"Loren." It was that deep commanding tone again. I looked at Secretary Grey to observe his response—worry—before finally making eye contact with the CEO.

"Sir?" I asked with relaxed eyes and a slight smile.

His own smile had disappeared but upon my response, resurfaced in a more natural grin before he giggled. Something sparkled in his eyes as he gazed at me—similar to that endearment towards Secretary Grey I'd seen that day in Team 6, thoroughly unsettling me.

Before my smile could falter to give away my disgust, I morphed it into something more polite and clearly forced and repeated, "Sir?"

"Manager Kean," he said. Then his eyes gestured to a folder on the desk. "Grey."

Secretary Grey, whose passive expression betrayed sadness and worry reached for the file, handed it to Manager Kean, then gestured to the sofas. His eyes were cast down towards the floor near the feet of Manager Kean and me. I followed Manager Kean to the sofas and we took a seat across from Secretary Grey.

CEO Finn sat straight in his chair. "Loren, it has come to my attention that you are an outstanding employee. Manager Kean, if you will."

Manager Kean opened the folder and recited as if introducing an award, "From your time in the mail room as clerk to your current position in Records as Team Leader, you've proven yourself enormously efficient and resourceful. Additionally, your creativity and leadership skills have improved the performance of each department and team you've visited."

The CEO held up his hand to stop Manager Kean and looked at me. "Would you consider yourself a genius?"

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