2| Log 001 Pt. 2

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The man hesitantly stepped forward and stroked his beard before licking his lips. "CEO Malik, I'll cut to the chase."

"I'd greatly appreciate it," I replied. The control room and device—a platform with two rotating columns, surrounded by panels—looked normal.

Pressing his fingertips together and head turned to the tiled floor, Team Manager Noah announced, "The Timeline Travel Device will not be ready in time for the ceremony, as it stands." He paused and glanced up at me.

I gave an encouraging static, calm expression.

He turned to another team member who handed him two sheets of paper which he then passed to Secretary Sara and me.

"This report lists all the risk factors we found upon this morning's scan and their forecasted implications on the functionality and successful first run of the TTD. We ran diagnostics and have been working on upgrades since this morning but," his gaze returned to the floor, "the projected resolution date seems to be two days after the scheduled unveiling and activation ceremony." He rubbed his fingers together as the others hung their heads.

Secretary Sara asked, "So your proposed solution is that we postpone the ceremony?"

"U-uh, yes. Unfortunately. We understand how complicated it will be, but we're—we are and we will do our utmost finish upgrades as close to the original date as possible—"

I held up my hand and their eyes all turned to me. "Have you discussed this with any other departments?"

"No sir," Team Manager Noah replied as the others shook their heads. "No one who works outside of the TTD team has been informed. Not even the construction team providing materials or others in the newly founded Timeline Travel Department. Only those who work in the lab know."

"Good." Panic amongst the staff or Institution needed to be mitigated. From the way just this team was behaving, it was clear they would make a bigger deal out of the situation than it deserved. "Secretary Sara will send the staff an updated copy of the non-disclosure agreement. I'll handle the ceremony postponement. You all just focus on the TTD. But I have one serious expectation."

Their backs straightened as they gave me their full attention.

"No overtime."

Pour your hearts into this during regular hours, but once the clock strikes five, leave your concerns in the building. Don't take them home. That's all. Is there anything else?"

Team Manager Noah wrinkled his nose and sucked in his chin as he blinked his glistening eyes. "No, sir. Thank you, CEO Malik."

The others chimed an enthusiastic chorus of choked thanks and swarmed towards me in a pack. I perfunctorily grunted an acknowledgement while waving my hand as I beelined for the exit.

Leaving the lab, Secretary Sara on my heels, I could hear the staff recite a synchronized peppy-cheer.

"CEO Malik, you say you don't like being popular yet your kindness is irrefutable. Are you sure you don't like being worshipped?"

I shuddered. "Don't like it, don't like it."

"In all seriousness," she began, "this puts an enormous task on your plate. You'll not only have to contact and legitimize the postponement to the Board of Directors and Realm Hall's Mayor Alec, but also the Finance Department, the Arts Center, the Broadcast Station, and our contacts in the destination." She pressed the button to the elevator. "Also, send emails to the School Board, parse the detailed reports from the TTD team—"

I folded my arms, frowning. "Yes, so?"

"So you will be working overtime."

"I'm CEO. What, are you going to say it's unfair?"

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