11| Log 003 Pt. 2

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It was then that I noticed where his attention was. There was a person talking to him with an annoying-looking smile. They were tall, seeming to be in their early to mid-20s based on their fashion and features. It was obviously a pickup attempt, the way their eyes were grazing over Secretary Grey's form as they dribbled out benign questions like, "So you like bread too? How about buns? What's your favourite filling?"

Secretary Grey took a step away and shot the person a glare. "I already said no."

"Come on, we can just chat first. I think you look good, am I not your type?"

Secretary Grey got about a centimeter taller and broader, indicating his body was switching from hide to fight in its threat response—that last comment must have pushed a button.

I felt something poke my arm and turned my head so I could see more of Darcy in my periphery without taking my eyes off the scene.

"What are you watching them for? Going to step in? Want some bread?"

"It's him."

"Huh? Cat owner? That punk?"

"The one about to beat that punk."

I knew Secretary Grey could defend himself if things escalated. But I wondered, would helping score me points in his book?

The person didn't seem to be keen on giving up and I wondered what benefit there was to such forceful coercion in a relationship.

Secretary Grey warned in a low, soft voice, "Come any closer and I'll gouge your eyes out."

Ugh, he was intense, as always. Feeling like Secretary Grey would follow through on his threat, I decided to step in. Right as I reached behind the two, the young person stretched their arm towards Secretary Grey's back.

To help the reader better visualize without getting confused, I'll try using this world's unique pronouns for 2+ person events involving strangers.

I moved to grab the person's arm to stop dem. At the same time, Secretary Grey's hands came flying towards the young person's face, his fingers spread and bent.

Darcy cursed from my side right as I grabbed the back of the young person's shirt collar and yanked dem out of reach. I let go of the stunned kid's arm and collar to push dem towards Darcy to deal with. A quick moment of eye contact with Darcy was a suitable exchange of information, and Darcy pulled dem away for an education as I turned to Secretary Grey.

Secretary Grey's jaw was tight and eyes ablaze as he cut, "Why did you let that jackass escape?"

I felt my head pounding at this person's tendency to always jump to extreme conflict resolution methods. Nevertheless, I smiled gently and replied, "Because I don't want to see you in jail."

Secretary Grey frowned in disbelief. "Why would I be the one in jail and not that harasser?"

The food truck owner looked unhappy about their business being disturbed as the others around us in line gave uncomfortable and curious glances and whispers. I didn't think Secretary Grey would like it if I pulled him out of line, so I asked if I could explain to the side, glancing at the food truck owner. Secretary Grey didn't look around, but his eyes travelled downwards and shoulders slumped forwards, possibly indicating he was suddenly aware of being a spectacle.

We stepped a couple yards away from the food truck and I explained gently but my impatience came off within the quick speed. "If it's self-defense, fine. They tried to put their arm around you even after you warned them; your upset is valid and a punch would've been fine. Sure, you even could've kicked them in the groin. But why go for the eyes? Don't you think digging out his eyes will be deemed excessive violence?"

Even though I worried about sounding more scolding than coaxing as I'd intended, Secretary Grey still looked down at his hands and wiggled his fingers contemplatively. After several seconds of silence, he muttered, "Oh. Thank you."

I felt my jaw dropping and bit my tongue to hide it. I had to put away my shock and bafflement and take the opportunity of this openness and vulnerability while it was there.

So I grasped his fingers and added for good measure, "Besides, do you really want that jerk's flesh and blood stuck under your fingernails?"

Secretary Grey's eyes widened and he pulled his hands away slowly and jerkily, though my grip was light so he shouldn't have struggled. His head and gaze stayed lowered.

Someone cleared their throat and I looked over to see Darcy.

Before they could say anything, Secretary Grey softly said, "Thanks."

It was the second time he had thanked me. I glanced back at Darcy to see their reaction and their wide eyes gestured for me to take the opportunity to bring up Sweetie. But Secretary Grey again spoke first.

"Were you hurt when I head-butted you?"

I stared at Secretary Grey, wondering how clueless a person could be. Nevertheless, I figured he was ready to apologize, so I licked my lips and smiled, albeit bitterly. "Yes. That's why I was on the ground immobile and groaning."

Secretary Grey nodded and wrung his hands. "Then... next time I'll do that instead of going for the eyes."

I was speechless.

"I'm sorry."

Finally, he had apologized. I noticed that for a while he had consistently avoided making eye contact.

I thanked him for apologizing. "I apologize for my negligence in not paying attention to the posters. How is Sw—" I realized I didn't remember the cat's real name from the poster. "What's her name?"


For all that's good in this world and others, why did he give the cat such an ugly name? "How is she?"

"She's doing well. Thank you for taking care of her." His chin tucked in further as he spoke, making it so that my face or eyes surely weren't even in his periphery.

Darcy nudged me with an elbow, then gestured with their eyes to Secretary Grey and the food truck, likely wanting me to note the shift in his demeanor. I watched deadpan, indicating that's what I'd been talking about. They put their thumb atop their index finger and twisted their wrist in this world's gesture to mean, "got a few screws loose" and raised their eyebrows.

Something was definitely going on, though what the cause was, there was no way to know. Perhaps it was trauma or some other mental illness. Perhaps it was an unfortunate upbringing. All I knew was that it was sad to watch.

I ignored responding to Darcy and turned to Secretary Grey again. "Will you be okay getting home?"

Secretary Grey's head shot up and there was a sneer on his face, but probably seeing my impassive expression or regaining his wits again, he quickly suppressed it.

Still, his jaw was clenched as he said, "Isn't it clear I can take care of myself?"

This person was too exhausting. Dustball, who? I gave up.

Clenching my jaw I replied, "Sure, sure." Then I pulled Darcy away while giving Secretary Grey some advice with my last words, "Not everyone's a wolf, you know."

Darcy wanted to discuss Secretary Grey but my head was hurting too much. I didn't understand this person. I had never met someone so strange and mysterious. Someone who could survive high-danger-level worlds yet feared even making eye contact when giving thanks? A sheep in wolf's clothing? A stray dog trying to survive in a pack of wolves? Or a stray cat who wanted love but refused to be kept? Ah, that's not right. I don't know why my mind went there. I suppose I was thinking a little about Sweetie. Also, there was a cat I briefly kept like that once in my original world.

Perhaps the truth is that I find Secretary Grey pitiful. Once I know why this person is the way they are, I feel like my obsession over this confusion will disappear. Unfortunately, asking questions would be the only way to find out the mystery behind him.

But other than the fact that it's taboo to ask people you don't know well intimate personal questions, Secretary Grey takes me as someone who wouldn't answer them either way. As I laid in bed that night cuddling my PlushFriend, I decided there was only one question worth asking that'd spark an answer from or a thought within Secretary Grey: Are you happy with the CEO or is he the source of your pain?

Employee of the Multiverse and His Darling CatWhere stories live. Discover now