Elliot wants to be a smart ass about it. So where were you when she was attacked by Bx9. But he keeps quiet and turns his head towards Olivia they both tilt their heads slightly, and unspoken language, before looking back at him. "That about sums it up." Elliot says, Amaro sighs heavily again and places his hands on the back of his head, visually stressed.

"We're going to have to move you guys to a secure location until we can locate them."

The squad car finally arrives and several people walk in with Noah.

"A secure location where?" Olivia asked picking up Noah and settling him on her hip.

"There's a few different options we're going to let you choose."

"What about my kids?" Elliot asked when Ayanna moved to show them the locations.

"Department won't put them in protective custody but I've spoke with some other department and called in some favors. There's going to be squad cars stationed at each of their houses."

"That's not enough Sarge." Elliot exclaims as soon as the words leave her mouth. "Wheatley has come after my family before. All due respect but a squad car isn't good enough."

Ayanna nods her head knowing that Elliot isn't going to let it go and understanding the fear. She wouldn't if it was her son.

"Okay well what do you suggest?" Ayanna asked "Anyone got any bright ideas say them now." She added

"I'll dip into my 401k." Olivia added and began clicking some things on her screen, presumably checking/transferring funds.

"You can't do that Liv." Elliot said quietly grabbing Noah from Livs arms so that she's not struggling to hold him while doing stuff on her phone.

"You mortgaged your house for me once. About time I return the favor." She smirked and Elliot smirked back half heartedly. He was touched by her gesture but genuinely felt guilty. She leaned toward Elliot and lowered her voice to an almost whisper. "Besides the Chief pension will probably be pretty hefty anyways." and as soon as she said it everyone looked at her in shock. Everyone had been talking but things had quieted just enough at just the right time for them to hear her.

It was ironic timing, impeccable really, but she tried to go back to clicking on stuff on her phone and avoiding eye contact. Ayanna had wide eyes and it was very evident that she had heard, she hadn't attempted to hide it like the rest. She was starting directly at Elliot with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

"So what are those locations." Elliot asked. Stepping closer and leaning over to look at the papers on the desk. "I've got a cabin, a hotel that will have detail posted at every entry and an air b&b next to the beach."

"We'll take the cabin." Elliot dropped his finger down to touch the paper and make his selection.  "Reyes." Elliot called and he was quickly at his side. I'm going to need you to have Jet find a place that will hold my family. It's going to have to be big. Very very big. Liv, Noah and I will stay in the cabin, I'd like to use as little of her retirement fund as possible so I'll use whatever department funds we can. If there's any left over after the cabin I guess we'll use it towards the hotel, we'll place my mom and Eli there. Whatever the difference is we'll pay the rest and we'll pay for everyone else to go to the beach house. So scratch that don't tell her to find a place but I want her to work on the technicals to have all of them wired."

Reyes agreed and went to fill in jet who was in her own little world surfing the web and trying to track Oscar Papa and Wheatley. "Reyes. I want you to be the lead on all the security detail."  Reyes quickly looked at Ayanna then back at Elliot and Elliot looked at Ayanna to confirm it was okay. She nodded and he quickly looked back to Reyes and shook his head. Reyes returned a nod and pivoted and walked away.

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