Angst short stories

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This is not the only time I'm updating this chapter.
(None of these stories are meant to imply ships!!!)

Tag your it
Moon's Pov

How'd I get here? 'Running' for my life in the asteroid belt, being chased by two moons. Oh yeah... cause I said I didn't wanna be in this nonsense of a revolution. Do they even know what they're doing?!
I get that they're angry at the Earth, but killing innocent earthlings?! That's too far.
I snapped back into reality, what should I do? Where should I go? Callisto and Io are faster than I realized.  They're catching up, I need to do something. Should I go find Earth? No, I don't want them to follow me. Oh I sure hope he's doing alright- STOP YOU'RE GETTING SIDETRACKED AND NOW THEY'RE CATCHING UP EVEN MORE!!!! ASTEROIDS? REALLY?!?! UHG

No one's Pov

Moon tried his best to be faster than them but it was no use. They were just too fast?
Callisto used Io to make a slingshot effect to launch herself at Moon with an asteroid.
Moon swerved down to avoid it.
Anticipation and fear within him.
He heard someone whisper in and creepy, eerie tone "Tag, you're it".

Rings From Dismay
Earth's Pov

I look at my rings with a saddened face. Saturn always says my rings look beautiful. He's only trying to cheer me up. I know they're beautiful. They're beautiful because they're the rings made of my beautiful moon.
It happened all so quick. It was the moon revolution. And everyone was against each other. Luna was one of the few people on my side during the time. But then he got hit with an asteroid. It wasn't the asteroid that destroyed him, the asteroid pushed him into me, causing us to crash together. I lost my life that day, but most importantly, I lost my moon. Who is worth more than all of my oceans and seas and plants and animals.

Oh how I still can't forgive myself for what happened that day...


Solarballs in a gc??? idkdkdkWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu