Quick little rant (Earth Alone arc recap)

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Hey I just wanted to rant about the Earth Alone Arc since I still can't get over it.

Btw, this will go over some pretty serious topics like suicide, trauma, depression, etc.
So if you're not comfortable with those topics, feel free to skip this!

Anyways, let's start the rant!

1) The Hallucinations
I have so much to say about this. There so much I want say but can't put it in words. As I was saying,
This is so messed up. Even worse was that the hallucinations were from his own mind. And nobody else knows that Earth hallucinated. It's a secret only he knows. Not even Moon knows. And what makes it worse was that he hallucinate all of his friends after they all left him.  Back to the topic that they were from his own mind, that only means that what the hallucinations were saying to him is what he thinks about himself. All of that put together, having hallucinations is messed up as f*ck. I never would have guessed that Solarballs would go this far. Everyone new he would reflect soon, but damn... we didn't know it be this dark. The crying at end.. omg.. Earth no... please don't cry my poor baby...
No one deserves what Earth went through, hid hallucinations got so bad he went to the only conclusion and that was to khm.
Onto that topic...

2) He tried to khm
It doesn't seem that serious of a topic in the show because the writers intentionally avoid using the word "suicide", knowing that it could trigger some viewers. But suicide is a very serious topic. What got me crying, was not the fact Earth tried to kill himself, it was the fact that he WANTED to kill himself. He went through his mind and decided that he wanted to end his life. HE WANTED TO!! He want to be a goner, he wanted to be dead, he wanted to not be alive. And he did it because he thought everyone else would be happier with him gone.

3) The Earthlings
So I'm pretty sure everyone knows this but remember when Astro dude drilled into Mars and Titan? That seemed like it hurt. That was just one human. IMAGINE 8B PEOPLE RUNNING AROUND ON YOU AND DRILLING INTO YOU CONSTANTLY?!?! Yeah, poor Earth...
Now I initially thought that Earth doesn't feel it because he got used to it after awhile. But he said it him self, "I'm in pain all the time" THIS POOR PLANET!!!

4) The pain
While we're still on this topic, imagine the pain, physically and psychologically. Physically speaking, he suffers pain from the Earthlings drilling into him, and using up is resources. But I think we all know Earth suffers more on emotional scale rather than physical. The pain of knowing Earthlings will abandon him, his friends abandoning him. Basically everyone wants to abandon Earth.

5) "Everyone will happier this way"
I highly doubt that ANYONE would happier this way.. so I'm gonna make a list of how I think different characters would react to Earth's attempted suicide... (Skipping Sun, Mercury, and Moon on this part for obvious reasons)

Venus: He would most likely feel really bad. And based on his character recently, he would feel like it was his fault. Also he seems to be more emotionally attached to Earth than others.

Mars: He'd also feel bad because the last thing he said to Earth wasn't too nice. And he would also start remembering all the times Earth was hurt, and start feeling like a terrible best friend for not realizing. He'd also most likely cry a bit.

Jupiter: Jupiter would kind of be like Earth's therapist along with Mercury and Moon. Also kinda like Mars, where everything makes sense on why Earth acted like this.

Saturn: Mostly cry and feel bad. I personally think that Saturn is the heart of the solar system. He's the one who actually shows all his emotions. So he'll be roller coaster when he finds out about Earth's attempt.

Uranus and Neptune: I put them both together cause I don't have much to say. Uranus would be concerned and also confused on why Earth tried to do that. Neptune don't what an Earth is, sooo...

Main 4 moons of Jupiter: They would be shocked to say the least. Ganymede would probably deny it, Europa would most likely not care. Callisto would be concerned, and Io... would just be Io...

Titan: He'd definitely have some thoughts about himself. Thinking that all of this was his fault. And would definitely try to stop the Moon revolution after realizes that they are going to far with this.

Dwarf planets: I honestly don't know. They'd all have mixed reactions. But Pluto I'm pretty sure is the only who met Earth soooo...? Idk.

6) Now what if Earth actually successfully khm?? The others would definitely be shocked, but they too, would be sad. Out of the saddest it definitely be Venus, Moon, and Mars. (I'm not quite sure who would be the saddest) But to say the least, the solar system would never be the same if Earth was gone.

(please read 👇)

Alright that's all I have to say ...for now 😈
When the moon revolution videos come out I'll definitely post a part two about my opinion!

And if you want my opinion on anything else Solarballs related! Just ask! You can just ask me what I feel about ____ (if it's in the show or in the fandom, doesn't matter I'll give you my opinion).

But wow... that was "quick" heheh 😅
This is definitely my longest chapter yet, AND I STILL SO MUCH MORE I WANT TO TALK ABOUT!!!
so please leave suggestions on what I could talk about.
You can request a different kind of chapter. Like a one-shot, short story, gc fic, Q/A, etc!

Just don't make it inappropriate because I don't feel comfortable writing that (for obvious reasons)

Well I hope you have a great day/night



1012 words 😱

Solarballs in a gc??? idkdkdkKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat