19- Where does false hope get you?

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Minho POV (a few days later)
Mornings, the usual. A bit of running, eating, thinking about me. Today I'm running to the cliff again. Like something new is going to show up.

I ran all the way to the cliff, looked at it, and obviously nothing had changed and then I sat down for a quick meal.

Love my sandwiches, funny how I still haven't gotten sick of them. Well, I probably did but, after such a long time you get used to them.

At least Frypan makes real food. That reminds me, I should get going. I pack everything back and start heading back when all of a sudden Sage scares me.

"What the hell are you doing here, this is not your route?!" She obviously mixed up the paths, I don't blame her, not everyone can be as smart as me.

"No, I was done already and I decided to join you, I figured you'd still be eating your lunch." she grins at me, "turns out I was correct".

"Yeah, yeah... Have you found anything new?" We start slowly heading back to the glade, we've got plenty of time.

"What do you think? Did I?" She looks at me with this weird happy expression. I can never tell when this girl tell the truth or is just messing with me.

"Probably not, like the last I don't know 100 days?" It's true, we haven't made any progress and we'll probably tell Alby about it soon... one day.

"Well you'd be... wrong."

"What! Wait what did you find?" I stop to look at her. I hope she isn't messing with me this time, because if she is I'll personally rip her apart this time.

She pulls a small metal piece from her pocket. "I found this, I don't know what it is, but at least it's something."

I take it into my hand and look at it. It's a small metal scrap, with a wire? "Is this-"

"A part of a Griever, yes."

I turn the thing around and it's a bit slimy, "Ewww, yuck."

She takes the thing from my hand, "I know, it doesn't mean anything, but at least we know that they are still out here, at night, every day."


"Yeah, but at least we have something for Alby, something to show him." She looks guilty at that comment.

I stop her and hold her by the shoulders. "Hey, it's not your fault princess."

"I never said it was, wait princess? Man, you need help." She laughs and runs off.

I run to catch up to her, obviously, she isn't running at full speed or I would never catch up, "don't you like it."

"I don't care what you call me Mean hoe." and she actually runs off.

"Heyy, that's not fair!"

"I'll meet you in the glade! Hahahahha" and yup, I can't see her anymore, great.

Sage POV
I run straight to the glade, find Alby, and tell him that I have something for him. He follows me into my hut where I show him the metal piece of Griever. I made it seem like a bigger deal than it actually is and let him keep the piece, it's no use for me anyway.

Mean hoe comes and runs into the glade just when Alby and I exit my hut. He ran away to store the piece somewhere safe and I ran to Minho.

"Did you have to run so fast?" He asks me while still breathing heavily.

"Yeah, or you would have taken all the credit for it." He definitely would, just like he will definitely deny it.

"No, I wouldn't." Sure he wouldn't. He can't live a day without somehow raising his ego.

"I'm going to get food, tomorrow is my rest day." It's also his rest day and as it just so happens, tomorrow is also greenie day.

"Ohh, let me guess, you're going to spend it with Newtie boy."

"No, well I don't know." Luckily Alby didn't choose me to show the greenie around, but he will probably choose Newt for that.

"Aww princess."

"I'm going to get dinner now, bye." I can't believe him right now, I'm probably just not thinking straight because I'm hungry. I forgot to pack food with me today.

I run straight to the kitchen where Fry is already waiting for me.

"Hey, Sage, potatoes, butter, bread, and some chicken for you."

"Thank you, Fry, you're the best." I take my plate and walk to the tables. I see Ben, Clint, and Zart on one table and the other Winston and Newt.

I walk towards the table and Newt immediately makes room for me. "Hi Sage."

"Hi Newt, Winston, how are you?" I sit down and start eating.

"Good, greenie day tomorrow, that's gonna be fun." Winston happily replies.

"Hopefully the new greenie isn't going to be as annoying as Gally."

"Yeah, hopefully not." I take another bite of the chicken. "Anyway, Newt are you on greenie duty tomorrow or are you free?"

"Nope, Alby decided to take the one tomorrow, why?"

"It's my off day tomorrow."

"You two do know that you'll still have to work right? Maybe you could help me slaughter some pigs."

"Yeah no thank you, I don't want to become a vegetarian." I can do killing people and blood, but I cannot do killing animals. I don't know how he manages it.

"Oh, I'm sure Alby is going to give you something more fun, like cleaning the toilets or the-"

"That's enough, thank you, I'm eating." I take another bite of the potato with butter.

"Alby actually already decided, he wants me to help Zart in the garden with something and Sage in the map room, organizing the papers. Apparently, you have a bloody mess in there. And after we finish we can both help Fry in the kitchen prepare for the evening"

"Sounds good" I'm pretty excited for the evening. Might use it to relieve some stress, and try some of Gally's new drink. We'll see.


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