14- Writing my problems away

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AN: This chapter is full of Sages' diary entries that take place in the following weeks. (I didn't want to just time skip so here ya go). It starts a few days after the last chapter.


Dear Diary,
   A few days ago, I don't know exactly, when a new greenie arrived. His name is Stephen. He's very nice and very muscular if I can say, so we decided that I should train him to become a runner; since Newts training has finished.
   Now that there is a lot of us running the maze I'm sure we'll escape soon.

That's all,


Dear Diary,
   I'm finally finished with training Stephen. He is quite natural, it only took him two days to get used to everything.
   I also told Newt, Alby, and Minho about the burn scar. It was a bit easier since it happened some time ago, so that allowed me to process everything.
   I'm hungry so I'm going to raid Frypans fridge, I'll be right back.
   Omg. I thought Fry caught me sneaking around but it was actually Newt I bumped into. Did that make me remember the game that happened, OBVIOUSLY! It's not that I feel anything, but it did feel good. He is my best friend of course he would like me. I mean. Yeah...
   Anyway, Alby has been thinking of building me my own hut, since I was the only girl and everyone here is convinced it will stay that way. I don't think that's true, but I also wouldn't mind my own hut (I can still hear Minho snore through the walls).

Love ya,
Sage <3


Dear Diary,
   Nothing out of the ordinary today. I just ran the maze, came back into the map room, ate, and showered. Someone is knocking on my door. It's Minho.



Dear Diary,
   It's greenie day tomorrow. Excited about that. I also have two off days, just to rest. (I think Alby gave us two days off just so I would be here to give the greenie the tour).
   I also discovered I love drawing. So that's a new hobby to add to the list of running, practicing, and sleeping.

Sage :)


Dear Diary,
   So I just gave the new greenie the tour. He remembered his name was Zart quite fast. He is a bit shy I think, well he doesn't talk much. He has blond hair, tall and is quite big.
  The only problem we have now is that we don't have enough bedrooms for everyone, so he'll have to sleep in the hammock.
   We also celebrated the arrival of the new greenie. Nothing much, but enough to make him feel welcome.



Dear Diary,
   Something terrible happened today. When Nick and George returned, George was acting all weird and violent. We didn't know what had happened so we locked him in the homestead. I hope he gets better. We are all sleeping outside tonight.



Dear Diary
   He didn't get any better and when took him out of the homestead he was even more violent. He started attacking all of us so Alby started punching him, forcing us to stop him.
   Then Fry told us about a weird syringe of liquid, a serum that came in the box of supplies with Zart. Alby decided we should try and give the serum to George since it probably couldn't get any worse.
   Nick decided to do it and when he did, George went even crazier. He started full-on attacking Nick, hitting him and throwing him. We tried to stop him, but nothing worked, so Alby found a sharp stick and stabbed him. 
   Nick and George both looked dead after all of this. George died almost immediately, while Nick is still recovering in the med room. I hope he gets better, but it doesn't look good.
   When we looked at Georges body we found a weird sting on his torso that had these weird black veins growing out.
   Nick did tell us that a Griever attacked them, so it could be from that.
  We decided to bury George in the far end of the woods.



Dear Diary,
   Nick is barely holding on. I hope he recovers soon.



Dear Diary,
   Nick passed away today.



Dear Diary,
   The vibe in the glade dropped a lot since the incident. But at least the urge to escape and seek revenge on those who put us here is much stronger.
   We decided to try to escape through the box, but it wouldn't go down with someone in. Tomorrow someone will wait and jump to go down with the box when it already starts to move. I hope it works.


Dear Diary,
   Stephen volunteered to go down with the box. He jumped down. We heard some weird noise, don't know how we will know if he escaped, but I know he'll contact us somehow.



Dear Diary,
   We were supposed to get supplies today. But we didn't get just that.
   When Fry, Alby, Clint, and Zart were unloading the supplies, they found half of Stephens dead body lying there with a note "Let this Glader be a message, no escaping through the box."
   We also buried him in the back of the woods with Nick and George. The place also got its name; Deadheads.
   These deaths have been so hard on everyone, especially Newt. I hope he's alright and that everything will return to normal.



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