11- Why did I do that

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Sage POV
I did get my period, but honestly, I could do everything normally, I could've still gone in the maze and everything. Luckily my periods are so light that I don't even notice a difference, but they don't need to know that.

I will just pretend for a day or two or more until I feel ready to go back. So for starters, I slept in. No one questioned me and when I woke up I saw that someone— I'm guessing Frypan— left me some food in the kitchen.

For now, I don't have anything to do, so I decided it would be a good idea to go to the map room until the greenie arrives. Yesterday Alby was very excited to let me know that It's my turn to take care of the greenie. They better be nice or I'll end them right there in the box.

In the map room, I decided to complete yesterday's notes and maps. It took me quite a while and when I finished I heard Fry calling for me for lunch.

Some meat, potatoes, and veggies. This food is much better than whatever we used to eat before.

Frypan handed me a plate and we all sat down at the table together.

"You feel better?" Alby asked me.

"A bit, at least I can move now." I think he bought it.

"Good to hear. So plan for today is just to chill out a bit, and wait for the greenie. When the greenie arrives Sage shows them around, and explains stuff, while me and Frypan unload the box. Then tomorrow we start building the beds for the bedrooms." Alby said.

"Sounds good," Frypan added.


"Mhm," I mumbled my response because my mouth was full of food. Fry did make the best food here.

Alby and Fry were already finished with their food at this point, while I was just slowly enjoying it.

"Great," Alby replied and then he took my plate and handed it to Fry. "Frypan, take this to the kitchen and clean it."

I looked at him furiously. "I was going to finish that."

He didn't care to respond to that and instead hit me with a question I didn't want to answer. "What happened yesterday?"

"Nothing happened."

"Why don't you just tell me the truth."

"I am telling you the truth."

"No, you-" Just then the box alarm started sounding.

"Time to pick up my greenie." I jumped at the opportunity and ran towards the box.

"You know it won't be here for half an hour!" I heard Alby scream back at me. I looked back and he didn't seem to follow me, I guess I got away with it, for now.

I know he just cares about me but still, I don't want him to see me be weak. It was already enough for Minho to see me like that.

This greenie is the perfect opportunity to get my mind off of this.

And so I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And then finally. It was here.

By that point, Frypan and Alby had both joined me at the box.

We opened the openings of the box. Got the rope ready and then I jumped into the box.

There was a guy, standing in the middle of the box, with teary eyes. When he spotted me he stumbled backward scared.

"It's okay greenie, I'm not going to hurt you."

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