8- Memories

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AN: This whole chapter is one memory and will be written in normal font. Enjoy <3.

Sage POV
I woke up my head feeling heavy. I opened my eyes. I was sitting in a chair, no I was tied to the chair.

I looked up and saw my favorite face to wake up to. Janson.

"What's all this?" I tried to show him with my hands but they were tied too.

"What were you doing outside?"

Ohh, that's what this all is about. "How did you eve- did you follow me?!"

"I asked first."

"Fine. I just wanted to see what outside was like since you won't let me see."

"I could show you but you're not going to like it. And you do know that you can't go outside? No one can. Now you have to face the consequences."

Consequences? What is he going to do, beat me up?

Janson left the room and came back with two guards. One of them untied my arms from the chair and the other my legs. I really wanted to hit them and just run but that would probably make the situation worse.

Even tho my arms and legs were free from the chair they were still tied. Because of that I couldn't walk just jump or I guess I could roll or crawl like a caterpillar.

Instead of that one of the guards grabbed me and yanked me over his shoulder. Then he walked out of the room following Janson.

After just a minute we stopped in front of a door. The guard placed me down on my feet so I could stand again.

Just then Janson walked up to me and put a rag over my mouth so I couldn't speak. Oh how much I wanted to punch this man.

Then Janson unlocked the door and opened it. The guard grabbed me, pulled me inside, and sat me in a chair.

When they finally left the room I could see the room was full of boys. I recognized them as the boys from the outside, the ones Thomas wanted to introduce me to.

Speaking of Thomas, he was also there.

When he saw me he quickly walked over to me and tried to put the rag off of my face. While everyone else was just staring in shock.

When he finally got it off me I quickly apologized "I'm sorry, this is all my fault."

Everyone stayed silent except for Thomas. "No, no it's not."

"It kind of is all her fault." A boy replied. I started at him not knowing where to look; his eyes of his weird-looking eyebrows.

"Stop." another guy said. "It could have been any day that we would get caught, It just happened to be the day she finally decided to join us."

"Yeah, that's the point. I don't think it's a coincidence. Why else does she never speak or spend time with us?" The weird brow guy asked.

"I swear she's good, they just don't allow her to spend time with you," Thomas answered.

"Oh yeah, we're not good enough for you huh? I'm sorry Mr. Perfect. Why do they let you hang and not with us?" damn I think it's his ego that's lifting his eyebrows.

Then another guy stepped in front of me.

"Look, I don't know if we can trust you or not, but we're in this together now. I'm Alby." he held out a hand which I wanted to shake but my tied hands didn't allow it. "Oh sorry."

"It's fine. My name is Sage." I tried to look nice.

He gave me a faint smile with a nod. "So I suppose you already know Thomas-"

"And Teresa" I added.

His smile faded. Upss. "That's Gally," he said pointing to the weird brow guy. "Then that's Newt and Siggy, Winston, Ben, George, Clint, Zart, Billy-

Then a sudden noise stopped our conversation.

In front of us, a big screen lit up. It showed a guy strapped to a chair in the middle of an empty room. I don't know the guy but the others seemed like they do.

"Is that Minho?"

"What are they doing to him?"

The whole room became silent, just waiting for something to happen. The guy was clearly trying to break out of his restraints.

After some time the door of his room opened. We carefully watched what would happen.

At first nothing. Then a huge beast entered the room. It looked around, quickly spotting Minho.

I looked around the room and spotted a camera in the top left corner. "What are you doing to him, stop!"

Then the giant creature charged at Minho. "Stoop!" we screamed.

Just when the thing was going to touch him it stopped and fled the room.

We just stared in shock not knowing what it was or what happened. Not even 5 seconds passed when someone opened the door.

It was Janson. "I hope you've learned your lesson."

I just stared at him in disbelief and I think the others did too.

Then the guards grabbed me and dragged me out of the room. I don't know what happened to the others.

He dropped me into another room, I hit my face right on the hard floor. I couldn't move. A part because my face hurt so much and a part because my hands and legs were still tied together.

I felt someone untying me. When they finally finished I sat up and looked at who it was.


First I checked if there was anyone else in the room and then I hugged her.

"Why is all of this happening?" I asked. I wanted to cry but didn't let myself.

"I'm sorry. It's for the best."

"How is torturing him and having me locked in here for the best?! I let go of her.

"I can finally explain if you want." she sat down in the chair.


She started explaining about some virus that is taking over the world. I remember some weird people when I was really little before I came here. She explained how some of those children were immune to it and that they were here to develop a cure. How that's the point of the maze trials and that I was immune to.

"But how will you develop a cure with all of this? This could kill them... It could kill me."

"I know. I don't what to but it's necessary."

"Why can't you just leave me here, there has to be another way."

"If there was an easier way, we would do it that way." she stood up again. "The maze trials will start earlier than expected."

"When?" I heard doors open behind me.


A pair of hands grabbed me again. They dragged me across the hallway, across the cafeteria where all of the boys and Teresa were sitting. I tried to fight my way out of the grip but couldn't.

The others didn't even have time to react, it all happened so fast.

I was dragged into another room and the last thing I can remember is drowning and the words "WICKED is good."

Thomas POV
After the whole incident, we got a lecture about not going outside. Then they let us go inside the cafeteria.

We were just talking when the doors suddenly swung open. Two guards were dragging Sage across the cafeteria and left the room on the other side.

Before I could even react Janson entered the room.

"The maze trials have started."


AN: Just to explain a bit. She knew about the maze and stuff but wasn't told the point behind the maze. If you have any more questions, just ask. <3

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