18- Order

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Sage POV
Half a year has passed since the incident with Newt. I got my own hut while Billy got my old bedroom. We ran out of bedrooms so everyone else has to sleep in the homestead in hammocks. The bedrooms are only for keepers.

We lost another glader, he got all crazy and ran into the maze at night, but he never returned. Me and Minho found his shirt in the maze the next day so... yeah.

Newt can walk again. He has a limp, but it is slowly becoming less and less noticeable. And because there are currently 14 of us living here, we had to organize stuff and create a system.

Now every glader has their own job and purpose they have to do. Even tho I have been in the glade the longest I have no interest in running the glade and taking care of the greenies, so I let Ably be first in command. These are the current positions:

First in command: Alby
Second in command: Newt
Runners: Me, Minho and Ben
Cook: Frypan
Builders: Gally and Henry
Track-hoe: Zart
Med jacks: Clint, Jeff
Slicer: Winston, Billy
Bagger: Billy

Everyone does their part and helps each other. It's the only way we survive. We also established the roles of keepers. We are the ones who are in charge of the job and the ones who go to gatherings with Newt and Alby if needed. We also show greenies how our job works, since they have to get one job as well:

Keeper of Runners: Me
Keeper of Cooks: Frypan
Keeper of Builders: Gally
Keeper of Track-hoes: Zart
Keeper of Med Jacks: Clint
Keeper of Slicers: Winston
Keeper of Baggers: Billy

Greenies get to try out every job and then we at the gathering decide what job will the greenie get. A tryout for runners is very different tho. They only get to try out at the end if I think they would be good.

I get along with everyone. Well...I did get along with everyone but then Gally got stung. We gave him the serum that Frypan found and then after a day of screaming, he got better. But he changed. That's why we call it the changing now.

He got all distant from me and hates me for some reason. He always says that I'm weird and different than them, but I don't get why.

He is really getting on my nerves and the only reason I still haven't killed him is that he makes a "special drink" or so he calls it that he makes for every campfire. Celebration when a new greenie comes. Have I drank too much of it the last time, yes, but it was fun.

Sage POV
I got my breakfast and sat down at the table next to Minho, Newt, Alby, and Ben. "Good morning."

"Good morning," they replied.

"So anything special for today?" I looked at Alby.

"Nothing new." He took a bite out of bread.

"Good," I replied and started eating my breakfast. I looked around the table and caught Newt staring at me, again.

"We'll be going soon Sage so eat up," Minho said as he put his water bottle in his backpack.

After I finished eating we left for the maze. I wrote down stuff, ran, ate, and came back in the evening.

When I returned, left my notes in the map room and changed I went to find Newt.

We've grown close these past months, especially since the incident.

We talked and talked. Grabbed dinner. Then we joined Alby, Fry, Minho, Ben, Clint, and Zart who were playing a game.

Later I showered, said good night to everyone and went to my hut. I changed into my nightgown (something that the box sent up without me asking for it) and lay in bed.

I was just drawing something in my journal when someone knocked.

"Come in."

It was Minho. "Hi."

"Hi, do you need anything?"

"No, I'm just bored." He pulled out the chair next to my desk.

I closed my journal and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Alby is asking us about the progress." He looked at me. Shit.

We have mapped the whole maze, I and Minho have run the maze but there just isn't an exit. The only thing we found was a weird cliff and even that didn't lead to anything.

"Did you tell him?"

"What am I supposed to tell him, that we're stuck here forever? That there is no way out?"

"Shhh, someone can hear us." I snapped at him.

"Who cares we're doomed. What can we do?"

"We can keep quiet and let everyone hope. False hope is better than no hope. Maybe something changes, we'll find a way out, one day."

"I hope. Let's change the subject." Then he gave me a weird grin. "How are you and Newtie doing?"

"Oh shut up, we're just friends." Yeah, just friends, it's not like he would want anything with someone like me.

"Just friends that spend every second together, always doing something, where is he right now, is he in the closet?" he stands up to open the closet but he isn't in there, not today.

"See, there isn't anything going on." And at that moment someone knocks.

"See," he replies.

"Shuck you Minho, get out." I chase him out of my hut, open the door to see Newt standing there and curse him away.

"What was that about?" Newt asks all confused.

"Nothing you have to worry about, come in."

And then we sit down on my bed and talk late into the night. He leaves just when I'm about to fall asleep.

AN: Super super sorry for not posting much, I just have so much stuff going on in school. Ughh.

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