13- Dear Diary

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Three months later

Sage POV
Last week I talked to Clint about how I was feeling. I love the guy but I hate that he acts like my therapist half of the time. So I decided to ask the box for a book or I guess a diary where I could write my thoughts away.

Dear Diary,
   I've been thinking a lot lately. About everything. Overthinking you could say. And a lot of the time I find myself overthinking about how much I'm overthinking. But it's getting better. When I run and work a lot I get my mind off of things. It also helps that I have friends and people who care about me here.
Obviously, we have Alby who's kinda da boss now. Then we have Fry and he's just awesome, like his food. You can taste the awesomeness in it. Next, we have Minho who's, well Minho. We get along very well, especially because we're both sarcastic.
   Then there's Newt, I've grown really fond of him and now we even run in the maze together. For now at least. Until he's ready to take on a section on his own. I'm giving him training while Minho trains George and Nick.
   I enjoy spending time with George, while Nick can be a bit of an ass sometimes, but he's fine.
   Oh yeah, and we can't forget about Clint. He stays with Fry and Alby in the glade, doing glade stuff.
   There are eight of us living together. Me and seven boys, mmm couldn't wish for anything better.
   Anyway, we finished the bedrooms. Good thing we did, I couldn't live another day hearing them snore, especially Minho, you didn't hear that from me.
   My hand somewhat healed. It did leave a big scar tho. I've only told Clint the truth about it. I had to since he's now in charge of the medical stuff. I've been thinking about telling Newt or Minho as well, but there hasn't been the right opportunity yet.
   I have to go. Alby is calling for us that he has something special today. I wonder what it could be.
Love ya. <3

Newt POV
I was just lying in my bed when I heard Alby calling all of us to come outside.

I stood up and walked out of my room where I saw Sage also going downstairs, running outside. She seemed very cheerful, I like that.

We all gathered outside where Alby told us to follow him. We walked out to the West wall where we stopped. Then I noticed that shank had a knife in his hand.

"Why do you need the knife Alby?" Someone asked.

"Yeah, why do ya need a bloody knife?"

"I thought it would be a good idea if we all signed our names here," Alby answered.

"Why would w-?" Nick asked.

"I think it's a great idea." Sage interrupted him.

"You can have the honour as the first glader," Alby said as he handed the sharp knife to Sage.

She took the knife and slowly started cutting her name into the stone. After her so did the rest of us. Until it was created. The wall of names.

Sage POV
After we all carved our names on the wall we decided to spend the rest of the evening together.

Me and Fry decided to grab some snacks while the others sat down at the table.

We grabbed cookies and went to the others. I think it would be time to build another table since there was hardly any room for us to sit down.

On one side Alby, Minho, and Nick were sat, and on the other Newt, George, and Clint. Fry sat down next to Alby and I sat down next to Newt, opposite of Minho.

We were talking for a bit and then decided to play a game. Truth or dare.

When the game was decided, Minho smirked at me. What's that guy's problem?

George started first. "Okay Clint, truth or dare?"


"What was the last dream you had?"

"It was weird, I was running away from this monster thing and weird-looking people, like zombies. And then I woke up."

"Daumn, okay you're next."

Clint looked at all of us and then chose Frypan. "Fry truth or dare?"

"Umm... Dare."

"I dare you to run around the glade like a crazy man for 1 minute."

"Oh man, okay." With that, he stood up and started running around and yelling random things. It was so funny that we were all dying laughing.

When he finally came back he chose the next person. "Minho, truth or dare?"


"Damn it. Fine, what's your haircare routine?"

"No, that's a secret." He crossed his arms like a child at that statement.

"Not anymore. Speak."

It honestly wasn't as much as he made it seem. Just shampoo and hair gel. He said the secret was the way he dries it. I swear boys can wash their hair with dish soap and it would look great.

Then it was Minho's turn to ask. "Sage truth or dare."

I wanted to pick the safe option but I wasn't going to be boring. "Dare."

"I dare you to sit on Newt's lap for the rest of the game."

I turned to look at Newt who I couldn't see well because it was already dark, and then back at Minho.

"Come on Sage," Minho said again. I didn't need to see him to know he was smirking.

"It's okay" I heard Newt whisper in my ear.

And I did. Good thing it was dark because I definitely blushed, and if Minho saw that he would shut up about it.

The rest of the game was uneventful. I couldn't listen to half of the stuff anyway, especially not after Newt put his hands on my waist to fix how I was sitting.

We finished the game after another round of questions and went to sleep. But you know after that I couldn't fall asleep for a while.


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