"Alright, see you in seven hours."



"Stay alive."

"I will."

"And try not to get shot."

"I will try." There was nothing left to do but wait, Taehyung and you decided to keep an eye on Soo In because Taehyung said her coming here all of a sudden knowing that she was putting your life in danger was suspicious unless she actually was dumb.

Since the two of you decided that it was better to be safe than sorry the three of you were gathered in the dark living room in silence when the three knocks on the door took your attention.

You motioned your sister to get up and walk to the door, you motioned her to be quiet as you stood beside the door, against the wall.

"Who is it?"

"Park Chaneyol." You nodded your head to tell your sister to open the door.

"Who are you and where are Y/N Y/L/N and Kim Taehyung?"

"Who sent you?" Your sister asked.

"Min Yoongi."

You walked in front of him as he nodded in greeting.

"Take your bags which are important, the rest will be brought by my team. You need to take this." Chaneyol handed you a vest and a helmet, the helmet looked more like a hat from far away.

You went and wore the vest under your t-shirt, even if it was quite visible, there was nothing you could do, Taehyung was asked to wear both things as well and he did so without any arguments.

"Where are mine?" Soo In asked enraged.

"You don't need one." Chaneyol dismissed her.

The three of you made your way out of the hotel in a black van, you sat sandwiched between Taehyung and Chaneyol.

"I will be in the living room if you need me, there will be two guards outside your room until Yoongi comes to get you. The house is surrounded by my people, you are safe here but please refrain from opening any windows or going out of the house or in the balcony." Chaneyol informed you of all the details as you entered the safe house. You thanked him and made your way to a room down the hallway, two guards following you and Taehyung.

It was getting harder and harder for you to keep your composure, you didn't fear death but you sure feared what would happen to the company and your family in case something happened to you.

You felt suffocated, not even two hours ago, you and Taehyung were dancing happily and now here you were trapped in a room, death looming over your head.

You took a deep breath and decided to take a nap, Taehyung was already sitting lying on the bed, he looked tense and it was clear he wasn't asleep even though he acted as if he was when you called his name.

You lay down opposite him, your back facing him as you slipped into a dreamless and restless sleep with too many things on your mind.

The knocking on the door woke you up, getting up you felt more tired than you did before sleeping.

"Y/n-ssi, Yoongi is here." Chaneyol spoke from outside the door, you saw Taehyung getting up from the bed and informing Chaneyol that the two of you would be down there in a minute.

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