"Fine, I insist that you come along." I smirked, got up from the chair where I sat and kissed his cheek, whispering in his ear softly.

"Your wish is my command." I was delighted to see the blush creeping on Taehyung's neck.

After Taehyung had tired himself out and was sitting with a full stomach and a bag full of gifts for his hyungs and family, we were ready to head back to the bus to our second last location.

We boarded the bus and just a few minutes later I felt something on my shoulder, I saw Taehyung, asleep, mouth open and his breath softly fanning my neck. I simply smiled and kept looking out the window, when we reached our next stop, I gently shook him and he rubbed his eyes so cutely that I had to use every ounce of self-control I had to not coo at his adorable behaviour.

"Oh! This is so beautiful. Look Y/n the sand is black." Taehyung said as he took off his shoes and ran on the sand barefoot while smiling ear to ear, the sleep in his eyes gone.

It was as if the delightful scenery broke all the walls that guarded his heart. I could not stop myself from taking my phone out and taking a few pictures of him while he looked so happy and carefree prancing on the sand.

"The black colour of the sand is due to basalt. This island is made from lava, when the volcanoes exploded and the lava came in contact with the ocean and cooled this island was formed. This is also often frequented by the endangered species hawksbill and green turtle. You might see them basking in the sun somewhere on the beach" The guide informed us but my gaze was fixated on my husband, who was paying all his attention to what our guide told us, hanging off of every word that he said, his beautiful big eyes staring at whatever our guide pointed that I did not bother to see.

At this stop, I was simply staring at him taking in the scenery and every piece of information that our guide provided. His eyes were curiously staring at everything, making a little ooh and aah sighs in between to convey his amazement, clicking pictures every time he saw something worth capturing.

When we made our way back to the travel car, there was another sports car near it and with the way Taehyung eyed me from the corner of his eyes, I knew that he knew that the car was for us.

As soon as we were back on the road in the red sports car, he started to slowly fall asleep and just a few minutes later he was asleep once again.

When we reached our last spot, I simply called out his name softly, he soon woke up and stared at me with a questioning gaze.

"We are here." I got out of the car with him following suit.

"What are we exploring here? Where is our guide?"

"There is no guide and we are here just to star gaze, it's a very relaxing activity if you want you can dip your feet in the ocean as well."

"Nah, I will dip my feet some other time for now let's just enjoy the view." I nodded and that is how we now spent an hour in comfortable, companionable silence, enjoying the scenery around us.



"What are your thoughts about spending the rest of your life with a stranger?" Tae released a loud sigh.

"I don't enjoy it, it's not what I planned but we can't do anything about it now can we?" he glanced at me briefly a sad smile on his lips.

"I don't want to spend the rest of my life with a stranger, do you wish to be my friend?"

"Sounds something straight out of a cheesy rom-com." He let out a huff of laughter.

"I am serious."

"The idea is appealing but I am not sure. I don't befriend people easily."

"Neither do I."

"Are you sure you want to be friends with me?"

"I don't do something without thinking about it first."

"What if I say no?"

"Then I guess we will be two strangers living in one home."

"The idea is good but I am not sure."

"It's okay." We both sat in silence for some more time before Taehyung broke the silence once again.

"Fuck it, let's be friends."

"What changed your mind?"

"I don't want to live my life so sadly and sometimes you just gotta take risks."

"Who taught you that?"

"Jimin." I nodded as we both kept staring at the beautiful sky before we headed back to our hotel. Now as friends instead of just two strangers.

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