5| Getting My Mind Off Of This

Start from the beginning

"James," I scowl. "Believe me, if I was on my period, you'd be crying at home by now."

He rolls his eyes again. "Oh, boo-hoo. What's going on? I'm getting the vibe that everyone knows something except for me."

I blink with no interest. "You'd hate me if I said it."

"Oh?" he arches an eyebrow. "Try me."

I sigh and cross my arms. "Fine. Would you believe me if I said that Jonah and I almost had a thing and that we were so close to starting a real relationship but now I screwed everything up because I got too paranoid about him and that blonde girl Caryn? And that I don't think he wants nothing to do with me because I messed things up and it will never be patched up again?"

It felt like an eternity waiting for a sound to escape from my brother. I stared at him and waited for a reaction to the point that I see a part of myself in him. I always used to think we looked nothing alike, but the longer I look at James, the more I think that we could be twins. Same shape of eyes and the same smooth slope of the nose. Tame eyebrows and dark, chestnut hair.

"I knew it," he mutters, his features softening into a look of sympathy. "I always sensed something was going on between you two. That son of a gun."


"He was so crazy about you. Gosh, I'm so blind," he shakes his head. "That boy acted like you were his whole entire world even though you weren't dating. He always asked how you were or if you'd be home. I thought he was just making conversation but turns out he just wanted to know if you were free for him to call you or stop by. Oh, Jonah boy."

I cringe. "Stop, you're sounding like you're his father—"

"I like it. You and him," he smiles. "Looks better that him and Caryn."

I frown, the image of them burning in my mind again. James senses the shift of emotion, and he mirrors my expression.

He asks, "What happened last night?"

"I told you," I uttered, gaping at the floor. "I screwed things up."

"So, that's it? You argue once and it's done? Geez, I thought y'all were strong," he scoffs. "It's not like Jonah to give up so easily."

I close my eyes. "He's been waiting for me for a while, and . . ."


"I think he decided to stop waiting," I exhale a shaky breath and open my eyes.

James's eyes are full of pity as he opens his arms wide. "Okay, come here." When I don't, he moves forwards and wraps his arm around my shoulders, his hand rubbing and patting my back as if I'm a baby needing to burp.

He has no idea how to hug someone, I swear—

"I know him, Fi," he whispers. "He's not the type to give up. Especially over something like this." He pulls away. "You know what you should do?"


"Take your mind off from this for once. Hang out with your friends. And then once your mind clears, try talking to him again. Clear up things up."

That's just what I did. After school today, I agreed to go window shopping with the girls at the mall. We got some drinks and went to the arcade, and now we're just walking around and admiring the cute outfits on display.

"The boys soccer game against Camber is coming up," Sierra says, sipping her matcha latte as we walk to Macy's.

Gael sends Hugo a text and then puts her phone in her purse. "And? You want us to dress up as prom queens, or something?"

Sierra gives her an eyeroll. "No. I'm saying that it's Camber High. Eye candy?"

"Oh, yuck!" I gag, and Rowan mock vomits.

Gael blinks her almond eyes at Sierra. "Mm, yeah, are you seriously forgetting that one, I have a boyfriend, and two, eye candy?"

Rowan presses a hand against Sierra's forehead. "Umm, honey, are you feeling well? Should we bring you to the ER?"

Pulling away Rowan's hand, Sierra rolls her eyes for the third time. "I'm fine, but I'm just saying that despite most of the guys there looking like each other, there are still a few good looking players."

Rowan scoffs. "Sure. Thwack the back of my head when you find one on Wednesday."

"Oh, you bet," Sierra winks at her.

Gael abruptly gasps and grabs Rowan's wrist. "Ro, is that your man or am I tripping?"

Rowan, Sierra, and I look in the direction Gael's looking at, and we see a tall and slime figure walking our way. Back in August, when Hugo and Gael were sort of in a weird place, Rowan bumped into this guy at the mall twice. Once on a Saturday, and another time next Saturday. On the second time she bumped into him, she went with her gut and sparked a conversation which resulted in her leaving the mall with his Instagram. They've been talking ever since, and I mean talking.

"What are you doing ogling?" Sierra asks Rowan, who was merely staring at him. "Go say hi. It's not like you guys haven't been talking for the past two months."

Once he came closer, their eyes connect, and he smiles a cute grin. Pulling his hand out from his pocket, he gives her a little wave. "Hi, Ro."

"Hey, Lucas," she says and her green eyes light up when she smiles at him. "I haven't seen in a while."

"Yeah," he looks down at her, his brown eyes gleaming. "Haven't bumped into you quite literally in a while, too."

"Our signature move, huh?" Rowan chuckles.

I exchange smirks with Gael and Sierra as we stand awkwardly behind Rowan. I place a hand on her shoulder and tell her we'll be in Macy's. She barely hears me as she listens intently to whatever Lucas is saying to her.

Gael giggles once we are out of their earshot. "I haven't seen Rowan that in love since Michael."

"Oh, freshmen relationships are awkward," Sierra snickers. "Not as much as middle school though. I'm shocked how those 7th graders managed to pull guys at that age already."

"It's gross," I confess. "But good for them for being able to pull, I guess."

We enter Macy's and head straight to the gowns section. We always have this thing in which we pick out fancy prom dresses and try them on. Even though I'd probably never wear these, I just want to dress up just for today. You know, to get a certain thing off my mind for now.

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