The anger

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'how tf he can do this with me'

Mirha's mind wandered around her boss. Why was he like this.

'i just wanted to go back to my home'

Her hands worked speedily. Her eyes were red from anger, Zaeem was never fair with her. She has realised this so many times

'that little bit**'

Curses left her mouth. Her father had called, it was the first time he asked Mirha to come home. She was happy, she wanted to go but her boss .......

'What tf he thinks of himself'

Rage filled her lungs, her fingers typed furiously,

'arrogant a**'

Her back ached but she refused to take a break.

'how can he give me this much work'

For the first time in her life she wanted to go home,

'bloody basta**'


She knocked loudly, Zaeem Ahmed Khan hissed at her,

"Come in"

Zaeem was shocked by her, today's Mirha was enriched with different aura. Her heeled shoes bumped with the furnished floor. A melody of heels was dominant in the room. Zaeem felt his breath getting stuck, he eyed her up to down, but today she didn't felt nervous under his stares.

"I have completed my work"

Zaeem stood up from his seat, he took limited steps and at the end he was standing right Infront of her, she was so small yet had a powerful aura around her

"So what?"

His eyes held her daring ones. His grave serious eyes were staring deep into her angry ones. This time Mirha broke the contact, as her eyes travelled down to his face and then to his neck, then she again looked at his eyes. Zaeem saw her eyes observing him. His chest arose with patience.

No one spoke, it was like they were talking with eyes. A knock broke their eye chat.

With one swift Mirha left the room and Zaeem's eyes travelled with her body.


In the evening, everyone was already sitting on the dining table, When Noor entered. Eda was shocked,

"Everything okay?  You just left a day ago"

She couldn't help but asked her mother. Her mother replied in a happy tone.

"Yes everything is okay"

It was confusing.

At night Noor gathered every one. She looked at Zaeem,

"I wanted to talk to you"

Zaeem's eyes arose in a questioning way.

"Ammar your friend, how is he as a person"

Noor presented her question.

"You mean Malik Amaar Sial "

Zaeem's throat felt tight. A ball was formed, his eyes showed red veins.

"He is a good person"

What was he supposed to say instead of a formal answer. Mirha and Izna were in shock. Her eyes matched as they questioned each other about the situation, whereas Eda stayed quiet.

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