the shock

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Eda and Zaeem,

How weird life was for them, both of their situations were the same yet so different.

Both were helpless, one for the sake of her love for her brother Zaeem and other one for the sake of his extreme love.

LOVE? a small word yet so powerful. It has the power to take and give, the power to ruin and heal.

Zaeem was standing on the balcony. His hands were spread across the fence. The cool wind dis-helved his hair. A half blown cigarette was in between his fingers.


Someone called him.
A heavy and deep sigh was exhaled from zaeem's side.

"What happened Eda?"

He replied her without turning.

The series of smoke were leaving his mouth. Eda stayed still, her hands were shaking as well as her body. A tightening feeling arose in her throat as she difficulty said,

"It's terrifying right!"

Her voice trembled,

Zaeem's ears rose from her wobbled voice and this time he did turned.


His word came out like a whisper al ost fading like the smoke of his cigarette.
He eyed her sister. She wasn't in good health. He felt scared. His sister's once energetic eyes looked sad.

" Will you forgive me "

Eda's voice was hoarse indicating her crying. She felt helpless.

Zaeem took a long stride and grabbed Eda's arm forcefully. His face showed anger with the hint of possessiveness for his sister.

"What tf you did Eda"

He sounded angry.

A single tear travelled from Eda's eyes to her cheek. She motioned her face side by side.

" please don't ask anything"

Zaeem stilled seeing her so broken.


this time she cried. Zaeem's own eyes became red. His heartbeat raised at the thought of what possibly her sister have done.


"Call Mirha"

Zaeem ordered his assistant. His mind was a complete mess. Eda's heart wrenching state, Saad's sudden misplacement and last but not least, Mirha.

Knock knock

"Come in"

Mirha entered the office. Her face showed nervousness.

"You called?"

Zaeem nodded in response.

" you are going to attend the next meeting with me "

Mirha inhaled,

"Okay sir"

Founding a good opportunity she tried to shoot.


Zaeem's hand stopped working. His eyes heart beated, he sensed what Mirha was going to say.

"Ummm I wanted to ask you something"

He nodded raising an eyebrow, no emotion, his face was just neutral.
Mirha's hands started to fiddle in utter nervousness.

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