The failed mission

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Moving from the shelf, Eda tried her best to find something. The fear of being caught was making an already bad situation worse. With each passing minute, the tension within her grew. Moving from draw to draw, she examined every corner of the room. But unfortunately nothing was found. The sun was just about to set, She didn't have much time left,

Sighing, she threw her head back, not giving up, she looked around the room once more but her eyes settled on the mirror. Her body stiffened, sweat poured down her face, her steps stopped, there stood the cause of her trouble, none other than 'Malik Amaar Sial'. Eda turned back to him. Eda clenched her wrist tightly. Even though her eyes were closed, she could feel his heated gaze.

Something popped inside her brain.

She was Eda Ahmed Khan, So how could she give up so quickly? right Giving up? Eda. Nah I can't BELIEVE!

Inhaling deeply she opened her eyes, turned around just to meet with his dark orbs.
Seeing Eda's audacity Amaar raised his left eyebrow, A faint smirk graced his lips,

Not backing down Amaar also stared at her eyes,

The chestnut met the jet black ones.

Ammar took a deep breath. Breaking the trance of the staring contest, his jaw tightened as he pointed at someone with his eyes. Before Eda could understand what was happening, a sharp needle pierced her neck. Burning pain arose on her neck. Her breathing slowed down, her eyes began to close and she lost her consciousness shortly.


A groan escaped her mouth as Eda tried to free herself. Heavy chains restricted her movement, her vision was obscured by a piece of cloth over her eyes.... Breathing was becoming difficult as the foul metallic smell of blood clogged her nostrils.

An hour had passed before Eda regained consciousness. For an hour she was cursing herself for impatience. For an hour she was regretting her morning decisions.

If only at that time instead of showing impatience, Eda would have come up with a solution calmly and patiently, she would not have been trapped here.


- The same day but in the morning-

It was a good day as long as you ignore the fact that it wasn't....

The busy roads of the city were shimmering under the golden hues as the sun plays hide and seek with thick dots of clouds. The lazy and gentle breeze felt so calm furthermore the scenario inside the Khan's company was everything but calm.

'The important file was missing'

Nobody knows when and How that file disappeared and on the top to it the company needed that file in the very next meeting.
The time was short and the file was misplaced. Everything was getting worse. Eda,Izna and Mirha were trying to find the file. The trio knew that if they couldn't find that file .. They will permanently lose the investors. Standing in their boss's office, the trio hoped 'good' but all of them knew that nothing was going to be good...........

The car stopped right infront of the building, getting out of the car he stood tall, the black shades and the expensive suit of his attracting attention. The first step he took inside  the boundary of office and the whole chaos in between the walls of office  died down as all the employees stood straight with head bows. The man's hands fisted as the workers around the office wished him a 'good morning'

'A good morning' He scoffed.

Leaving the Hall, He entered the office

Acknowledging The presence of trio, he gestured them to get out. Mirha and Izna silently obliged their boss.
But Eda refused to move.

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