"Barely, but yes." Musa answered. "As long as the gas isn't toxic they can use smoke bombs."

"Then what was that green stuff?" Stella asked.

"Most likely sleeping smoke." Digit answered.

"Well, if it is, it doesn't seem to affect Sky very much." Ruby said, watching the blonde Specialist defeat Riven with a swift movement.

"Sky won." Bloom said, happily.

"Those are the rules." Tecna said, seeming upset that the blonde had won.

"You fall you lose." Digit clarified.

Ruby looked back at the two boys. Sky tried to help Riven back up at his feet, but the bitter Specialist refused and began to angrily argue with the winner. The blonde ended the arguement quickly and Riven walked away furious.

"What a sore loser." Ruby said, rolling her eyes.

"Sky was so great. Wasn't he amazing?" Bloom asked, admiring her boyfriend.

"He deflected every blow." Musa said, sad that Riven had lost.

"And now it's Brandon's match." Stella said, smiling once she saw the brunette boy walk into the fighting zone along with another Specialist.

The unknown fighter got into a fighting stance while Sky and Brandon shared a few words, probably planning the attack. While they talked, Ruby felt a shiver run down her spin and her stomach tightened as she sensed danger approaching. It didn't take long to know what was coming.

A gigantic creature with the head and body of a lion, snakes for arms and bat wings stretching out from its back flew high above the arena, blocking out the sunlight and spreading panic all over. The audience ran away screaming, and some even crying, while the monster destroyed the newly built stadium.

"We've got to intervene." Bloom said.

"Magic Winx." The six Winx said, transforming into their Fairy outfits.

"Ebony, go somewhere safe." Ruby said as the other girls flew up to assist the Specialists.

"No, I can fight." The brunette argued. 

Ruby cupped her face in her hands and stared deep into her eyes.

"Please, Peach. I know you can fight, but I can't risk it. I need you to be safe." Ruby pleaded and, with a bit of hesitation, the brunette nodded and walked away with Robin, the Ghouls and the Pixies. 

When Ruby took flight towards the fight, they all turned to Ebony and glared daggers at her.

"You don't deserve her." They all spat, before resuming their walk to a safe place.

Rocks fell on the Specialists, who struggled to protect themselves with their shields which were slowly breaking. Ruby created a large energy shield above the boys and the rocks fell on it, breaking into tiny pieces.

"Pfew, that was close." Sky said, once the rocks stopped falling and Ruby lowered the shield. "Thank you, Ruby,"

"Get going, you guys." Bloom shouted.

"We'll take care of this." Stella said, smirking confidentaly.

"Will we?" Ruby asked, not waiting to be answered before flying towards the creature.

"Grossest Critter I've ever seen." Stella commented, staring at it.

"Specialists, report to your team. Evacuate the area." Codatorta ordered.

"Come on, we've got work to do." Bloom said getting ready to fight the monster.

The three, Bloom, Stella and Ruby, blasted the monster with three attacks, but it didn't even acknowledge them and continued to spread terror elsewhere.

House of Memories (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now