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Ace Austin's Point of Veiw

"KUYA! I found the girl Mom talk about!" Ainsley said, she's smiling from ear to ear. I was about to ask her when we saw a girl coming out from the school gate, even she's far I know who it was.

A girl with long brown hair, her skin was in the middle of tan and white skin. She looks fragile and soft, Ainsley call her name and when she look at our direction I got the chance to look at her face.

She have beautiful eyes, her face is really beautiful, it feels like I'm seeing an angel or whatsoever it called. She has the most soft and innocent face, plus the fact she slowly give us a small smile before leaving.

Is she a real lady?

"Kuya?" I look at my sister, she's clueless but I just give her a smile and guide her towards our car. "Her name was Heather Yvonne De Vera, she's nice. I want to be her friend! But she looks fragile, so I'm still extra care" Ainsley said.

I just listened on what she's saying, when we got home we both go to our room. I change my clothes and sat on my study chair, I did my school works. While working on my works, Ainsley's voice suddenly echoed on my ears.

“Her name is Heather Yvonne De Vera...”

Heather Yvonne De Vera.

I open a new tab and search for her last name, there's so many articles about their family. Her family was rich, her father was famous business man. I also read online that the De Vera Family is living privately, and didn't want any interviewers.

I also saw their family picture, I didn't know if it's latest photo or not? A family of three; Father, Mother, and Daughter. She looks like her mother, and her eyes was from his father. It was a family picture from one party they attended.

Her father usually attend parties or business matter parties with her Mother, she rarely saw online or outside. I get my phone and find someone's number on my phone, when I finally found it, I dialed it and after ring he answered.

[How can I help you, my friend?]

[I saw your sister today]

[What?! Where?! Is she alone? Tell me what happened!]

[She's Ainsley's classmate, Ainsley said she's nice and she wanted to be her friend. I just saw her from afar, we might scared her if we tell her that we knew her beloved brother]

[Yes, yes. Anyway, if Ainsley happens to be Yvonne's friend, I'm more than happy. At least I know she'll be safe right?]

[Why don't you be with her? I mean, your finally earning connection?]

[Yes, I'm building strong connection now, but my sister still didn't know a thing. I want her to still live like how she live, I don't want her mind to be tainted. I don't want her to suffer from the pain I already suffer from, you clearly know that Ace]

[Yeah. Your his great brother, Josh. And you want to keep that idea in her mind, you wanted to protect her and bear the pain instead of her]

[Exactly! Yvonne didn't deserve those things]

[Then? What was your next step?]

[I don't know? Still sticking to the plan]

Josh was the girl older brother, I knew him because his father was my Mother's best friend. He ask for my mom's help to get her sister and mother from that man. Heather's father was a kidnapper and rapist, he already has a lot of cases that has been dump by the court because of his connection and power.

Another Person, Another Pain (D-Series Trilogy 02)Where stories live. Discover now