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Heather Yvonne's Point of Veiw

THREE RINGS from Ace is kinda unbelievable! I look at them, they are stunning and screaming diamonds! They are in my jewelry box, I didn't expect to experience this kind of treatment from one man.

"Honey? Lunch time!" Vanessa called me, I nodded at her. "Okay, I'll be there in a minute" I said and put my jewelry box on the drawer. I went out from Vanessa's room and go downstairs, I go to dining area and I already saw them there.

I just sat on the chair beside Vanessa, we started eating. "Did you already tell Mom about Ace?" Shaun asked me, I shrugged my head "No, I know Mom will tell that to Dad. And if he knew, he can order some men to take me back in Spain. Dad will be surely mad since he forbid me to do the things I used to do before" I said.

Vanessa held my hand telling me everything will be okay, when the day Dad forbid me he track all my cards and also my phone to track my location. But now, he cut it because that was Shaun's condition for me to have a peaceful vacation here.

"You have a very strict Father" Thunder said and I nodded, ever since I was a kid he's very strict to the point I can't have my own freedom to have a best childhood memories since I'm just in our house, playing with myself.

I'm also home-school in my elementary days, I just go to school when I'm high school until now since I have Ainsley with me. "Are you using your card?" Shaun suddenly asked, I nodded at him.

"Yes, when I brought some things yesterday when I and Vanessa go to grocery" I said, I think Dad won't be tracing my card right now since he promised that he will let me have a good vacation. "Give me all your cards" he said and I'm confused.

"Why? But I think Dad won't trace it sin—" I cut my words when Shaun spoke. "He did. Yvonne, your Father is still looking after you, he still trace every card of your using. And your phone? Better to off your location" Shaun said.

"What?! But Dad pro—"

"He promise you, but he didn't do it!" Shaun said, I took my phone on my pocket and give him. "What's this all about? Is your father psycho?" Vanessa asked, Shaun just took a deep breath.

"No, he's just obsessed about his daughter's safety" Shaun said and look at me. "How about her? I can lend you some money, if you need okay? I'm here" Vanessa said, I smiled and just nodded.

After eating lunch I turn off the location that every gadget I own, because Shaun said Dad already have access on it. All my cards are also track so I give it to Shaun, he said he'll be working on it too.

"Hey, are you alright?" Vanessa asked me, I'm on the garden looking at the sky, I took a deep breath before shrugging my head. "Nope, I don't know what to do now. I feel like I'm hiding from the police, and once they find me they'll taking me to prison and lock me there" I said.

Vanessa sat beside me, she held my hand giving me so much comfort. "Josh is doing his best to protect you okay? You'll be enjoying your vacation here, I promise. Josh won't left you behind, he's always protecting you. Josh will be at your side to keep you safe" Vanessa and I nodded.

"I just feel like I don't have a place to go, whenever I'm escaping from our house Dad will always find me and take me back. And it's so suffocating!" I said, I do understand why my Father is like that but I don't understand why he's always locking me on our house.

Shaun also told me that I should stay in the house, I'm not allowed to go outside. And I understand it, he's just extra careful because if Dad still track my cards and my location. He also have some spy and mens outside to look for me.

"I'm sorry if you can't have your peaceful vacation now, Yvonne" Shaun said and I just shrugged my head. "No, I'm having my peaceful vacation now. Even I'm here, I'm at home" I said. Shaun tap my head, and then he go outside.

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