BC100: Belly of the Beast (Cinder & Co.)-5

Start from the beginning

"They've held for decades--I think they could hold a few more hours," the others replied crossly.

"Just be quiet," said the fourth. "You'll rile up the Grimm."

"Big deal."

"Both of you be quiet," Hypnosia said, pulling her hood up more. "I want this to be short. I've been running all over today, and my lag is getting really bad. Don't push me."

They snorted but didn't dare piss her off too much. She was too powerful.

Emerald watched them.

None of them noticed her. They stole off over the hill to wherever they intended to go.

Then she saw some Grimm flying down to them, and they got on them and flew away.


Suddenly she sensed something behind her.

She'd been so distracted, she hadn't noticed it creeping up on her.

She whirled around with her knives ready just in time to block a dart coming at her face.

She saw a dim figure sitting in one of the trees.

With a glance, it was easy to hide herself from their sight.

"What the...?" the figure spoke in a low voice.

It was a man, not an old one.

Emerald raised her guns at him. He couldn't see her now. She had a clear shot.

Then he jumped to a different tree.

She had to adjust.

The figure jumped to the ground and looked where she'd just been standing.

"Spooky," he remarked. "Better call in help."

Emerald looped her knife chain around his neck while he still couldn't see her.

"Ah!" he choked.

But he saw nothing, not even her hands.

"What is this...a ghost?" he gasped.

A ghost, huh?

Emerald had an idea.

She projected into his mind a very spectral sounding voice:

"Don't struggle. It only makes me angry."

The bandit froze. He was starting to sweat.

"Wh--what are you?" he asked.

Emerald had to choke back a laugh. If he only knew what she was doing...

But no time to be distracted--anyone else could come by at any time for backup.

Now, what would work...? Maybe if she played into some old legends kind of material.

"The angel of death," she replied, in an ethereal sounding voice, "come here to visit the judgment for your deeds on the Baba tribe."

She used some words she'd read in the holy book there. Ir sounded more impressive that way.

And it worked. The fancy language spooked the guy even more.

"Wh-what?" he sputtered. "No, really, I'm not so bad. I've done less than the others, really."

"What is your name, mortal?" Emerald replied.

"It's...Shep Nottingham."

Weird name. But she was no one to judge.

"Shep Nottingham," she said, "you have committed many atrocities under the name of the Baba tribe."

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