Carlos Sainz; My, what a big box!

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"Carlitos!" A sweet voice called, Piñon responding instead and bounding away from his dad and to his mum, a soft giggle emanating from the hallway. "Hi, baby boy." She cooed as she pressed a kiss to the top of the dog's head and scratched under his chin. "Where is papa? Go get papa!" The dog skidded around the hallway corner and jumped on to Carlos' stomach, winding him as he curled up.

"Ay, what was that for?!" He windedly asked the dog, as if he could respond, Piñon only offering a gruff little bark. "Buddy, you're mean."

"Piñon, I said go get papa, not kill him!" (Y/N) said as she wiped her eyes of tears and slipped her heels off before resting her aching arches on the plush carpet. "Dear sweet heaven on earth, thank you for freeing my feet from these demon cages."

"Welcome home, honey." Carlos whimpered as she recalled the dog to her side, Ollie also coming to her side and sitting patiently for his fuss from her. "How was your day?" He asked, watching her squat with her knees close together, the black pencil skirt not being made for a woman with thighs to bend at the knee. He watched as a grin grew on her lips and her hand reached into his luscious black locks, softly scratching his scalp as Ollie nuzzled his way under her chin, also getting a fuss.

"It was better than I thought; I handed my notice in." She stood back up and went over to Carlos to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Pops." She said, feeling rough stubble against her skin.

"Hello, mija." Her father in law said, softly pinching her cheek as she giggled. "Congratulations, we're all very proud of you and can't wait to spend more time with you." He praised, seeing her cheeks glow a soft peach.

"Thanks, Carlo... It means the world and I can't wait to travel next season and do my assignments from around the globe." She pulled away and walked and sat down next to Carlos, his arms pulling her into his lap as he showered her with kisses all along her neck and face. "Hello, amor." She muttered as Carlos' long arms squeezed her warmly.

"Hi, bonboncita." He muttered into her ear, pressing a kiss to the shell of it as she giggled. "So, when is your last day on the clock?" He asked, adjusting so she could lay with him on the sofa.

"It was approximately an hour ago." She casually said, resting into his chest and scratching the scruff on cheek.

"Eh?!" The Carlos' exclaimed, Reyes walking in the front door and catching the news as well as she approached the living area.

"You quit? Today? Effective immediately?!" The mother stuttered, shocked by the admission and the bluntness of the statement.

"Yes, I decided there was no point delaying the inevitable. We discussed it after Christmas and honestly, I couldn't wait to finally not have to live in stuffy shirts, tight skirts and shoes that hurt me daily." (Y/N) confessed, feeling Carlos squeeze her. "I wanted out, I wanted time with my family. No better time to quit than at Christmas after bills and presents are all paid for."

"I'm a walking cash machine, mi amor. If you want money, just ask." Chilli pointed out, getting a soft chuckle as he pressed kisses to her cheek.

"Nope, not happening. I have my big girl money, the only thing I'll let you pay for is the jets because I don't have sponsors." She teased, getting a soft tut and a chuckle. "I can finally be there for my Carlos."

"With Piñon as well, don't forget." Chilli argued, getting a soft smile.

"Yes, with our first child too." She joked, climbing down from his lap. "Right, it's my turn to make dinner for us, considering you are hosting us for Christmas, what do we all fancy?"

"We have some fresh tomatoes and some peppers, why not a soup or a stew?" Carlos Senior asked, his wife sitting in the arm of the chair next to him.

"We also have some carrots and parsnips, why not make a vegetable soup?" Reyes suggested, getting a coo from her only son, enjoying the suggestion.

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