"I ain't got nothin' ta say to the likes of you" she spat, her eyes still locked onto his.

"Well, that is certainly a disappointment" he knocked on the inside of the door and several officers came in, carrying a bucket with pokers that had the young woman squirming as Beckett sparked the fireplace.

Anamaria frowned and kept her lips sealed tight when one of the officers tried to stick a leather glove in between her teeth.

"Leave us. She can scream if she want, I will hear her scream" Beckett said with a sadistic smile on his face.

The men did as he asked while their 'boss' stuck the poker shaped like a 'P' into the fire until it turned white from the heat. He pulled it out and blew a bit on it for effect before walking over to where Anamaria was.

The young woman struggled to try and shimmy away from the hot metal with no success as the man grabbed her arm in a vice like grip, forcing her to meet his eyes. The man nearly reeled back at the savageness in her eyes until he composed himself once more.

"I might not have your brother, but I have you" he hissed "But even if you leave I will make sure you remember me like your brother does"

Ana tried to keep her lips sealed as tight as at the beginning when he roughly pressed the metal onto her already harmed skin. When Beckett saw that, he went back in, harder this time since he was annoyed that he hadn't gotten the brother.

After he was done he threw the poker to the ground leaving a few marks on the floor. Ana heard him ordering his men to take her back down to the dungeons in her haze of pain. After that all she remembered was finally letting out her screams that she tried to muffle with the rags that had been provided to her while the room suddenly blew up.

She was going to scream again when the ground underneath her dropped and she was suddenly under water. Ana's eyes opened and she looked to stare straight into Calypso's eyes. The huge form of water turned into the more familiar Tia Dalma as the goddess approached her.

"I thought I told you to move on here. Why are you thinking back to those times?" Dalma (for easier recognition) asked the woman.

"I'm sorry" Anamaria muttered under her breath, her body still in her younger body making Dalma sigh softly.

"It's fine child. But you can't make me feel so bad for you" Dalma told her with a sad look in her eyes (I definitely think that Calypso would feel some sort of kinship towards Anamaria).

"Why did you send me here?" the pirate asked.

"Because you carry a heavy burden in your heart, one that weighs down your very existence. You still cling to the past, to memories that haunt you, and it prevents you from finding peace in the present" Dalma told her "And you time in the other one was done. You must remember that I am connected to the seas, and the seas are tied to your soul" Dalma continued, her voice a soft whisper "You have to trust my judgement on this" Dalma's eyes softened, and she extended a watery hand towards Anamaria.

Anamaria reached out and took Dalma's hand, feeling a strange connection between them. It was as if the goddess understood her pain on a level no one else could. The waters around them seemed to shimmer and swirl, reflecting her inner turmoil.

"Could you, give me back something from my home?" Anamaria asked her with small tears in the corners of her eyes and she felt a bit calmer when she saw Calypso/Dalma sigh as she gave up.

"Wake up and when you're ready to leave, throw this into the sea" she handed Anamaria a bright pink seashell "This will be the last time I'm doing this"

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