Chapter 10: A New Change

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It's been five months, sorry guys. This is also so much shorter. 7000 words per chapter really burned me out. This is only a little over 2000, but that's fine.

The stars danced across the night sky as Grian paced back and forth on top of the police station. Ender and Nuke were down on the ground questioning officers and taking notes.
The wing blew softly as he pulled his wings in further trying to keep out the chill air.

Hot-Guy hadn't show up, much to his aggravation.

Why wasn't he here?

He had seen the superhero, while he was a civilian? Why couldn't Hot-Guy just speak to Cute-Guy?

He groaned. Of course Hot-Guy would speak to Grian but not his superhero persona.

Nuke and Ender teleported a few seconds later right next to the pink superhero as he fumbled back in surprise.

"Cute-Guy, we want to help you patrol tonight." Ender began as Nuke nodded.

Grian glared at the two of them as he flapped his wings in annoyance. "Absolutely not, if you get hurt by the corrupted that will be two more dead on my hands. I am not letting you have the burden of having to kill the corrupted. You're job is to find Tommy Initt and Jimmy Solidarity." He explained for the millionth time in a row.

"No matter how many times you ask, that will be my response and that's final. You two better go home, you have things to do as well."

Nuke growled. "what's the point in us being hero's if we aren't protecting the city!"

Cute-Guy stared at them for a moment. "You two are barley adults, and to take care of the corrupted you have to kill them. That's the last thing you need to see, is the life drain from a citizens eyes at your hands."

"Protecting the city. That's up to me and Hot-Guy, you both have business in finding Tommy and Jimmy." Grian snapped.

Ender glanced at him. "B-but, Hot-Guy hasn't shown himself in days? For all we know he retired from being a superhero!"

Cute-Guy froze, his wings quickly taking an offensive stance. "He's healing. My partner will come back. I know Hot-Guy and he loves this city! he didn't just abandoned us!" He snapped quickly ruffling his feathers in anger. "You both are dismissed, I have a patrol to run."

The two tried to argue, but Grian ignored them as he took off into the night sky.

Hot-Guy will come back.
He knew it.

Hot-Guy wouldn't just leave him like this? He was a hero, and the city needed him more than ever.

You basically called him useless before he disappeared. A voice called in his head as he flew away from the two other heroes.

No, Hot-Guy would come back. Why else would he have had a chat with Grian?

The sky of Boatem was quiet as Grian flew over the building that lit up and covered the streets.
It was breezy as he landed safely on the top of the school.

There was the sound of an arrow shooting just barley hitting Grian's feet.
With a flap of his wings he jumped into the air looking up and stopping in surprise.

"Hot-Guy." He gasped as he ran straight at him.

Scar smiled and pulled the hero into a hug. "Hey Birdy."

Grian hugged him back before stepping back and slapping him in the face. "That's for getting yourself so hurt. I'm glad to see you back though. Boatem's a mess."

The hero nodded putting his bow away and gesturing to his boots that was covered in dirt and blood. "Bumped into a corrupted on my patrol." He grimaced.

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