Chapter Eight: The Eventful Night For All Parties.

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So, I got bored and decided to write some smut for the first time in my life in this fic.
It's not too graphic, I swear it makes sense for the story.

Feel free to skip if you want it starts at "I hope so," Grian responded.
And ends at Grian licked his lips as he stood up and stretched out his wings before looking back at him. "Anytime."

Have fun, I can't belive I wrote this in a day, I wrote more than half of it this afternoon.

Scar sat on his bed holding two ten pound dumbbells flexing them as the news played on the tv in front of him.
It had been two weeks since all hybrids were laid off from first responder duties and that the chief had become a fugitive.

The words and pictures on the screen came in a blur of information as Scar slowly rose from the bed, his attention not focused on anything as the chaos ensued on the news.

The city was falling apart all over again.

Protesters began to line in front of the building screaming and blaming all hybrids on everything.

The watcher's teaching and beliefs began to rise and resonate as they took their stand on a podium and announced that because only hybrids were able to be corrupted, it was not corruption but the true soul and lives of hybrids.

It had happened so fast, the day after the chief had become a fugitive the watchers launched their speeches and views on the world again.

Hybrids were banded as inhumane, immoral, and demons once again.

Fifteen years of mostly peace had been obliterated in a manner of days.

The people rallied with watchers' views, purely on the fear of being destroyed by hybrids.

Of course, the watchers were not saying their names, only seeming like a collective ideal of people whose views were like but not as screwed as the terrorist organization.

After all, hearing the name Watchers would simply destroy their following.

Some people wanted separation, others wanted all hybrids to be banned from the city.

He placed down the dumbells flexing his legs as his fingers traced the stone from under his collar.

Mumbo had given him clearance a few nights ago, saying he could be a hero once again and not be chained to his apartment with Cub.

The words and phrases that the public shifted around him, in his absence, Ender and Nuke took on the job of finding the chief and Cute-Guy had been surveying the city taking out skulk infested hybrids before they could attack.

Cute-Guy's kill count had been twelve people in the last two weeks, he had publicly stated he didn't want the new heroes to have to watch the life drain out of someone's body.

The clouds covered the sky, casting the city in gray melancholy as the mayor held a public burial for those who had been corrupted in the few days.
Today seemed like the perfect day to bring back Hot-Guy once again.

His window slipped open as Hot-Guy fumbled to get up on the roof of his own building. The town below is practically void of pedestrians, only cars speeding down the paved road to their destinations could be seen from above.

He shot the arrow to the next roof, the force sending his body flying through the cold air as he landed fumbling slightly to regain his footing as he glanced around the black-tiled roof.

In the distance on top of an apartment building, he could see a red figure sitting on the edge, their legs dangling as he jumped into the air shooting another grappling hook from his bow.

Corruption Of Our Minds and Hearts Underneath The MasksOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz