Chapter 11 ❤️

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I roll my eyes and pull out my Chapstick. I couldn't help but compare me and the Chapstick. Jackie's essence captured in the shiny pretty lipgloss while my essence was captured in the bland cosmetic appliance used to keep your lips from drying out. "I don't know," I sighed, deciding on licking my lips rather than putting on Chapstick. Who really needs Chapstick anyways?

"Is this because you're in love with Jack?" Jackie raises an eyebrow and I choke.

"What?" I question as I try and swallow down the saliva that somehow got caught in my throat.

"You heard me," she says. Jackie takes a seat at the foot of my bed and crosses her arms and legs. "It's kinda obvious, Cass."

"Its what?" I question. My body and mind are in panic mode right now and my mind is attempting to convince my everything else that no one actually thinks that. Oh god is this what Jack thinks? How long has he thought that? Is he creeped out? Does he talk to me because he feels bad for me and my awkwardness?

"Don't worry though," she tells me and I nearly snap and ask why the hell I shouldn't. Again, I was in panic mode and me in panic mode is a scary sight. "We hang out with a bunch of boys and they wouldn't be able to notice you loved Jack if you wrote it across your forehead in red sharpie."

I feel slightly at ease and am able to breathe again. Well that was heart attack inducing. I exhale and look over at Jackie, "just for the record I don't 'love' Jack, I just have a small crush on him."

Jackie snorts and leans back on my bed, "riiight!"

I scoff and roll my eyes and her incredulousness. "Seriously," I try and convince her.

"Ok, Cass! Whatever you say!" She sing-songs, sounding completely insincere.

"Ugh! You're infuriating!"

"But yet you come back for more," she blows me a kiss and I make a gagging sound.

"Only because I feel sorry for you," I retort and the look on her face is enough to send me into a laughing frenzy. I'm holding my stomach and laughing my head off when I feel the hit of a pillow smack my face.

I spring up and gape at Jackie who has another pillow in her hands. "Did you just...?" Jackie shrugs before launching another pillow at my head.

This one hits me square in the face and has enough force to send me rocking backwards. "Oops! Hopefully Jack will still like your face after I'm done mutilating it!" She threatens. My action of getting up and hitting Jackie in the head with the pillow is stopped as soon as I'm done processing the words.

"Wait, what?" I step back, wondering if she really meant what she said seconds ago.

"You mean you can't tell?" She asks with both hands on her hips. "Wow! And you said I was infuriating!"

So what she said was true? He actually might have good returned feelings for me? A guy of that caliber of hotness might actually like me too? "Woah," I say, dumbfounded. I plop down on my bed and feel my heart swell. A smile breaks out on my face and a small laugh escapes my lips.

The bed dips slightly as Jackie sits next to me and I still stare. "Are you honestly that surprised?" She questions my reaction. "'Cause I'm not."

I break my stare at look at her. "Honestly?" I ask and she nods. I smile and drop my head so my eyes are fixed on the blankets. "Thanks."

The feeling of my heart swelling is more overwhelming now than before and I feel the need to hug Jackie. Is that weird? That she complimented me and now I wanna hug her? Nah. I look up and am immediately faced with her swinging a pillow at my face.

The Counselors - Youtubers/Magcon FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant