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Junkook woke hearing Taehyung's voice and he immediately went to Taehyung try to wake him up but Taehyung hug him tight so junkook huged him back rubbing his back and whisper smooth words to calm him down.


This crisp autumn evening, Jungkook decided he needed a break—a respite from the flashing cameras, the scripted dialogues, and the pressure to perform.

He yearned for anonymity, a chance to be just jungkook , not the superstar. And so, he stepped out of his lavish apartment, donned a simple jacket, and hailed a taxi to the heart of the city.

The U.N Pub stood at the corner of a cobblestone street. Its dimly lit windows beckoned like a secret portal.

Jungkook pushed open the heavy wooden door, and the scent of aged whiskey and laughter enveloped him. The pub was a sanctuary—a place where stories flowed as freely as the ale.

He found a corner booth, away from prying eyes. The worn leather seat welcomed him, and he ordered a pint of stout. The bartender, an old man with twinkling eyes, nodded in acknowledgment.

Around him, the city’s stories converged. A jazz band played soulful melodies, and couples whispered promises. Jungkook watched, an observer in this unscripted drama.

Then he enjoyed the most and had his best drink ever. And came back but he was not in conscious.

In the quiet of the bedroom, jungkook watched taehyung tossed and turned. The moonlight painted his face in shades of silver, but his eyes held shadows—echoes of a nightmare that had shaken him to the core.

He sat up, gently shaking his shoulder. "taehyung ," he whispered, "it's just a dream. You're safe."

His eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, he seemed lost. The nightmare had woven a web of fear around her, trapping him in its threads. Jungkook shifted closer, wrapping his arms around his trembling form.

"What was it?" he asked softly. "Tell me."

Tae's voice quivered. "I was falling," she said. "Endless darkness, and I couldn't breathe. And then... I saw my parents , but they were fading away."

Jungkook pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I'm here," he murmured. "Right beside you."

"But what if..." taehyung's words trailed off. "What if dreams are glimpses into alternate realities?"

Taehyung's heart clenched. He knew the fragility of life—the way it could slip through their fingers like sand. But he also knew the power of love—the way it could anchor them even in the stormiest seas.

"Listen," he said, his voice steady. "Dreams are like whispers from our subconscious. They don't define our reality. You won't lose your parents, taehyung ."

He pulled tae close, their hearts beating in sync. Outside, the wind whispered secrets, and jungkook whispered back.

"Taehyung ," he said, "you're not alone. We're in this together. And even if the world crumbles, we'll find a way to rebuild."

He nestled against his chest, tears dampening his shirt. "Promise?"

"Promise," jungkook vowed. "Now close your eyes. Imagine a garden of moonflowers—a place where nightmares fade and love blooms."

And so, in the quiet of their room, jungkook sang lullabies to chase away the shadows. Taehyung's breathing steadied, and as dawn painted the sky, they slept—a tangle of limbs and dreams, anchored by promises whispered in the night. 🌙❤️.

In that way jungkook fall a sleep beside taehyung.

Hey guys this is for this episode hope you are enjoy 😉.
Bye bye meet you in next episode until then bye bye take care of yourself.

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