"You are pretty too, sweetheart." Jimin says with a smile as he steps forwards. "Can I get a hug?" He asks her softly. Eun glances towards Namjoon a little apprehensive but all of her doubts vanish when Namjoon nods. She nods, making Jimin gently take her in his arms.

"You loowk likwe a angel." Eun voices out in fascination as she stares at Jimin's face, making Jimin chuckle. "You too, little love." Jimin says as he boops her nose with his own. The girl suddenly becomes shy, hiding her blushing face in Jimin's shoulder, making everyone chuckle.

"Looks like someone is shy." Taehyung lightly teases Eun, making the little girl whine. "Yah, don't tease my little love." Jimin playfully scolds Taehyung as he rubs Eun's back. Taehyung somehow manages to swallow his laughter as he mutters a small 'sorry' to Eun.

"Let's have lunch!" Yoongi announces as he walks towards the kitchen, bringing out the food to the dining table. Jungkook and Hobi follow him inside, helping him bring out the food, while Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung busy themselves with setting up the table. Jimin and Eun engage in a small conversation with each other, asking each others favorite food and other random questions.

"Who do you want to sit with, baby?" Kook asks once he's done helping Yoongi, glancing towards Eun. Eun immediately points towards Namjoon and Jin, getting chuckles in response. "See that's my child." Jin proudly says with a dramatic hair-flip, making everyone laugh. "Come here baby." Jin says as he takes her in his arms, setting her on his lap as he settles on the dining table.


"Next time we should go out somewhere. I'm sure Eun will enjoy it." Jimin says as he settles on the couch beside Jin. They were done with lunch and were now just chilling in the living room, chatting with each other. "Yeah, definitely." Namjoon agrees with a small smile as he caresses Eun's hair, her head resting on his lap as she slept peacefully. The girl had fallen asleep as soon as she was done with lunch, tired after all the interaction.

"I'm so pissed you didn't introduce us sooner. She's such a sweet girl. Real sunshine. I can see how she got you wrapped around your finger. Heck I just met her and I'd do anything for her." Hobi says with a bright smile. "I wish we could have introduced you sooner but you know why we couldn't do that." Seokjin says with a sigh, making Hobi mumble a 'I know.'

"She's got all of us whipped for her, hyung. It's not just you. I can't understand how her parents could have the heart to hurt her." Jungkook says as his eyes grow moist. The thought itself made him sad, how could anyone hurt her? A fire ignites in Namjoon's and Seokjin's hearts the moment Jungkook speaks about Eun's parents. The hatred they carried for them was immense.

"They aren't humans that's why. They are monsters." Taehyung spits out venomously, his rage evident with the way he was clenching his fists. "Agreed. Any news about them?" Yoongi asks as he leaned back against the couch. "Nothing. Katherine is still in the hospital and Jihoo is in prison." Namjoon answers softly, he keeps his composure, not wanting to wake up Eun.

"Let's not talk about them. How's the adoption procedure going?" Jimin asks, trying to change the topic. "We have submitted our paperwork and one house visitation is done. We'll have to go through several of the visitations before the adoption gets cleared but Minho has assured that it'll get done quick. Well quicker than the usual time taken." Jin explains as he rests his head on Namjoon's shoulder.

"What about sending her to school? Is there any progress with that?" Taehyung asks, Jin had recently broached the topic of school with him and he wanted to know if their were any updates with that. "We are working on getting her on track with other kids her age. Hopefully the next academic year she'd be able to join school." Namjoon says.

"I'm sure she'll be able to. She's a quick learner." Jungkook says with a reassuring smile getting a smile in response from Seokjin. Namjoon smiles at Jungkook's statement too, pulling Jin closer to himself and whispering something to him, immediately making the older blush.

"You guys make me feel so damn single every single time." Jimin whines, making everyone laugh.

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