"But it's your dream," I insisted. "And you're such a good writer, Er." This was the truth. His writing was really good and very detailed. He once had told me that it was because of his mafia work thus allowing him to write based on what he'd witnessed and done. I'd argued that not all mafias were writers which could only mean that it took skill to do what he did. "Don't give up on your dream."

"I have a new dream," Eros said with a sad smile. "I'll find Ryker for you. I'll bring him home so you can cure him."

"Er, I don't think—" I was about to tell him that I honestly didn't think that it would work on Ryker as it had on Eros and my dad but seeing the look on his face, how he was struggling to find a purpose, I stopped myself. "Thank you."

His smile grew into a grin. "Shall we dance?"

I gave him a nod, and he led me to the dance floor. We danced through songs. From the most upbeat to the slowest tempo. His arms were enveloping me as I clung to my arms around his neck, and we had a slow dance. I caught sight of Davina and Trey and smiled. Resting my head on Eros's shoulder, I tried to enjoy the peaceful melody. I saw my ex-boyfriend, my bullies, and my homeroom classmates. We all had our own separate lives. We no longer had to be in the same room for hours. Each of us had our own plans. Whether it was college, marriage, getting a job, or raising a kid.

For the first time, I truly felt the distinction between myself and the rest of them. If what had happened eight months ago hadn't happened, I would probably still be like them. Even though I'd turned down my ex-boyfriend's marriage proposal and finally came clean with him by telling him that I wasn't ready for marriage after high school, I'd still have college. After college, I'd find a job and it would be years before I would decide whether to be married or not. Regardless of which choice I'd make, I would have a mundane life — free from all supernatural beings. I probably wouldn't even find out that I was a hybrid.

I let my eyes wander about the room, remembering each of their faces and the memories of my life in high school. Then, all of a sudden, I could feel someone's eyes on me. Watching and studying my every move. I could feel it on my neck, on my chest, arms, waist, legs. I tried to find where this person was and about a few minutes later; I found him at the back of the crowd wearing a black hoodie underneath what looked like a dark Pacific blue blazer. Our eyes met for several seconds before he broke the connection away and moved towards the exit.

"Er, I think I need to go to the loo again," I told Eros without looking. My eyes were glued to the stranger's back.

"Do you need me to accompany you?" he asked, sounding a bit worried. Just like everyone else, my friends weren't truly convinced that I was fine despite my reassurance.

"No, it's fine, Er." I planted a small kiss on his cheek before walking out of the dance floor and toward the exit sign.

Once I was outside, I checked left and right, but couldn't find him anywhere. I wasn't sure why, but my gut feeling told me that he went to the right, so I turned right and walked down the hallway. I walked past the bathroom and stopped. Looking to my left, I observed the bathroom door, which was made of well-polished oak wood.

Using my left hand, I pushed the door open and stepped inside. Since everyone was at the party and there was a nearer bathroom — the one that I'd gone to previously — this one was quite abandoned with zero occupants.

At least that was what I thought until I felt warm breath tickle the back of my neck and a voice that was so damn familiar followed. It was just one word. My name. "Xyrra." Yet it carried so many emotions all at once.

I closed my eyes and breathed in his usual smell, minus the expensive aftershave that he'd often used. My skin felt warm and butterflies were forming in the pit of my stomach. Every nerve was on high alert. Every cell on my body was desperately anticipating what he might do, especially after that passionate make-out sesh we'd had in the alley behind the cafe merely about a month ago.

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